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Keith Black

NRG Member
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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Thank you to all for the comments and for the likes. The mizzenmast has finally been secured. I've rigged the mizzen to the best of my abilities in the space available and according to how I've interpreted the H&H photos. Due to my limited rigging knowledge and experience I'm somewhat suspect that the way I've rigged the mizzen might not be correct but there's no going back to make changes, it is what it is. Before starting the shrouds I need to add rope coils around the belaying pins at the base of the mizzen. I didn't add them yet as I wanted to show the blocks and the way I rigged them. The topsail and topgallant yard braces are temporary (I wanted to check their angles against the photos) as they will be in the way when running the shrouds. It's been a long time getting to this point. The further along i've gotten in the rigging process, the nagging questions I had regarding where and how different running lines attached to the deck and hull came easier and seemingly natural. Thank you to all for stopping by and sharing in my journey.
  2. Yes it will, so will varnish. I use poly, some folks despise poly and prefer varnish.
  3. Do NOT apply varnish on the mast and spars till they are completely dry. You can try wiping them down with straight paint thinner. if some of the stain is removed you can reapply with a lighter coating than the first coating. Did you use a stain and varnish mix? Straight stain shouldn't be tacky after half a day. I hate stain and varnish in the same can. I've never had any luck with that product.
  4. Dave, I think cannon rope size has come up in a couple of MSW discussions. Try searching MSW's search engine and see if you can find them. Regarding things becoming easier, I thought that was the case. You seem much more at ease now than when you first started.
  5. Jim, welcome to MSW. I look forward to seeing your Marie Jeanne build. Thank you for your service.
  6. Really nice work, Keith. It looks like the launch will sit perfectly upright on Germania's deck.
  7. Looks really good, Dave. Are things getting any easier now that you have a couple of months experience under your belt?
  8. A very nice build and a successful completion. Congratulations, Kramer. They're called a 'ship's boat' not a tender. You should be able to use the MSW search engine to find build logs for a ship's boat. Again, congratulations.
  9. What a little gem, Glen. Of all your SIBs I like this one best and it's not even finished.
  10. Tom, thank you. See below regarding 12mm stanchions. https://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/cgi-bin/sh000001.pl?WD=12mm stanchions&PN=Caldercraft-Model-Boat-Fittings-2-Hole-Brass-Rail-Stanchion-Ball-Type-12mm-C66B0518.html#SID=2482 https://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/cgi-bin/sh000001.pl?WD=hole single 12mm stanchions&PN=31700-Rail-Stanchion-One-Ball-12mm-31700.html#SID=69
  11. Welcome to MSW. I hope you enjoy your first build, wishing you well.
  12. Dave, the blocks look much better than (I'm guessing) the yellow blocks that came with the kit.
  13. Glen. the hull is shaping up nicely. What type wood are you using for the hull?
  14. Hey, Slugger, welcome to MSW.
  15. Brian, with punches don't you only get the single hole and not a hole within a hole? When making the gun tracks for the Tennessee I tried using a large punch for the outside diameter and a smaller bunch to cut the inner diameter but it was impossible for me to cut the two with a consistent ring width.
  16. Birchwood Casey Brass Black and a compass circle cutter. Lynn, use the MSW search engine to find discussions on brass blackening, there are several. https://www.amazon.com/Mr-Compass-Circle-Circular-Cutting/dp/B08FRRV2ZT/ref=asc_df_B08FRRV2ZT/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=475864778819&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9216951676649442914&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9017387&hvtargid=pla-1125028214835&psc=1
  17. Kramer, that's all looking right proper, nicely done indeed.
  18. Brian, in a way I feel guilty having this many photos of the Tennessee. You sit there starving for visual information and here I sit drowning in it though the forward part of the Tennessee remains cloaked in mystery. It's such a shame that so much of the past went visually unrecorded when the means was there. I consider these photos a legacy. Wouldn't it be great if MSW had a vessel photo and or drawing library/data base? What a leg up that would be for modelers, particularly for members new to the hobby.
  19. Eberhard, I have to disagree. If it was an apprentice he'd (if a boy) have a regulation hat on (see last photo in 'center views' of the apprentices) not that child's hat it's wearing. I'm not sure if it's a boy or girl but they're cute. I thought about the Setter being a ship's dog but of all the photos the dog only appears in this one photo. Plus, I wonder what US Navy regs were regarding animals aboard ship?
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