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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Tim, I just brought up MSW home page from Safari as normal and everything was/is normal, no Jeff Shreve name appeared. I don't know, it's way above my pay grade but for two users to have Jeff Shreve's name involved indicates an issue on the MSW side of life. But there is one common link between users BikerMart, Keith Black, and Jeff Shreve........we all have Michigan addresses.
  2. James, it's now happened a third time. Every time I log out of MSW I clear history, every tine. I come to MSW through my 'bookmarks'. Up until this afternoon every time I've come to the MSW home page, before logging in, at the top of home page is "Existing User? Sign In" For the third time this afternoon when I've come to the home page as I normally do, Jeff Shreve's name is in the existing user space. By going to any post and then back arrowing to the home page, the normal "Existing User? Sign In" is there, Jeff Shreve's name is no longer there. I obviously can work around the problem but, there is a problem.
  3. James, I logged out 15 minutes ago and just came back and the same thing happened again. When I brought up MSW from my bookmarks, Jeff Shreve was the logged on as the user. I went to a post at random, back arrowed and the log in request was as normal.
  4. Five minutes ago when I brought up MSW from my bookmarks, I had not logged on yet but Jeff Shreve was shown as the logged on user.
  5. Jason, welcome and thank you for your service. I look forward to seeing a build log of your work. So many ships, so little time.
  6. "I always assume these people are re-incarnated termites"........LOL 🤣
  7. Eberhard, B&D made two versions, the eight inch model 79-025 and the sixteen inch model 79-020. From what I understand these ceased being made in the early 80's. eBay prices for a new in the box sixteen inch are $140.00 to $200.00 plus shipping. New in the box eight inch goes from $25.00 to $70.00 plus shipping. As my need is just working the mast I figured I didn't need the sixteen inch and the extra cost. Brian, do you remember what you paid for the one you bought? A guess will do.
  8. BrianK, jump that shark. Which gooseneck grip did you think would be of help? I'm always looking for help, never hesitate to offer up a tip or a possible solution.
  9. Brian, super nice work. It's hard to believe how much you've gotten done in just three weeks.
  10. Brian and Brian, thank you for your kind comments and thank you to all for the likes. As i neared working on the mast off ship my search intensified for a Workmate, model 79-025, 8 inch table top vise. I've seen this vise used in other build logs and it looked like just the ticket. I was checking eBay the other day and low and behold there was a new, unused, still in the original box, buy it now listing. I jumped on it like a chicken on a Junebug. It was less than $50.00 including shipping. I received it today and there is a price sticker of $19.95 on the box. I don't know if that's the original price as a printed sticker on the box from Black and Decker to the hardware store in Federal Way is marked with a 1980 date. All the yards have dried after their poly bath. Yesterday I drilled out all the block holes so the yards are ready to rock and roll. Pieces parts are still in stapled clear bag. I'm pretty stoked, let work on the mast begin!
  11. Adding just the bottom row of deadeyes wouldn't take a great deal of effort and would add some detail to the hull/channels. Mark, lovely work, sorry I came late to your build. I'm gonna get the nickname 'late again Charlie' if I keep this up. I don't exactly know how I keep missing build logs, I'm on MSW several hours a day.
  12. Eric, when gluing I have several Q-tips at the ready to soak up any excess CA. I go through a ton of Q-tips because the tips become hard after one use.
  13. Eric, I've never had good luck with the GG brand, I've always used the old SG brand with much better success.
  14. Eberhard, sorry, I thought the .12 x .03 inches might work for you. Ten times smaller you say, good golly man, that would be .012 x .003 inches. I can't imagine how difficult that would be to work with. The skylight is a beauty, great color. Would it be possible to bundle and glue with CA several ( 50 or more) of the molybdenum wire in lengths that could then be milled and once cut to length the bundle soaked in acetone to separate?
  15. Rob, she's turning into a grand lady. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
  16. Greg, Merry Christmas and welcome to MSW.
  17. Thank you, Brian, that's very kind of you. It's good to have you along to share the journey, If ever I can be of help, please ask. I may not know the answer but I bet I know who would.
  18. Tom, you and the family have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. God bless you and yours.
  19. Chris, it seems a shame to hide away your beautifully detailed work but I understand completely. We know it's there.
  20. Brian, Merry Christmas and welcome to MSW.
  21. Thank you, Johann, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours.
  22. Allan, the model looks great, the staining is a bit uneven but as you said, it adds character.
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