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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Bitao, congratulations on the completion of your stunning Young America build. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to tag along on the journey with you. I look forward to your next build, enjoy your down time......Keith
  2. Michael, welcome to MSW. I look forward to you starting a build log at some point in the future.
  3. Tony, research can be very enjoyable except when you desperately need an answer and all your research efforts come up dry. Then it becomes very frustrating and the harder you search the more frustrating it becomes. At some point one has to go with best guess and let the devil take the hindmost.
  4. Gary, that so much for your continued support. Nothing to do with modeling but today went from promise to defeat. Rob, I could use a Bro hug right about now. Thank you for your continued support. Roger, what an apt description, "jackass" rigging. The transition period put navies between wanting ships to be able to function with sails and yet not be dependent upon them. The transitional ships were primarily about learning to sail with steam, sails were a "we know this works" and "just in case". I purchased the Kearsarge build log in 2019. At the time I was looking for information unrelated to rigging. I have since reread the build log and it is equally uninformative about rigging as it was about whatever I was searching for at the time. I do have copies of Revell's rigging plans for both the Kearsarge and the Alabama along with many other ships. Roger, thank you for your continued support. Eberhard, I can't thank you enough for taking the time to post #326. I agree regarding Peterson's book as it relates to the Tennessee. You have to understand, I know very little about rigging, Peterson's book gives me a history base of how rigging was done at that time. Through searching countless build logs, rigging plans, articles, and excerpts from Bushell and Underhill (I really should acquire copies of both their works) I'm trying to envision the evolution of rigging from Peterson to steam and how it may apply to the Tennessee. There's a book wanting to be written regarding the rigging variations of that transitional period. Thank you to all for the likes and for stopping by.
  5. Nice progress, Rob. GS's hull shape appears very business like, it's all about cargo tonnage.
  6. Lynn, what a great post! I could see your wheels turning figuring out how to solve the problem. That's growth, I'm very proud of your progress and the little pram is looking great. I agree with druxey regarding a large contour gauge but Micro Mark carries a six inch model that may or may not be useful? It's not that expensive In the great schema of things, see the below link. https://www.micromark.com/6-Contour-Gauge
  7. Rob, it's exciting to see GS's hull finally taking shape. I'm eager to see her after the first sanding.
  8. Pat, I'm not surprised at all! It's a whole different kettle of fish working from a know set of rigging plans versus researching to create a set of rigging plans. Old photographs only go so far, old journals and warrants only go so far, it's not exactly discovering the wheel, more like reinventing it. Being able to adapt know plans to what one thinks the rigging plan would have been at that point in Victoria's history is a major milestone. Your reaching that point gives me hope.
  9. Alan, I've often thought that an auction of pieces donated to the NRG would be a great way to raise funds. Donating a model would be asking a lot but it could be smaller pieces like lanterns, stoves, or other small bits made by the great MSW/NRG artisans. Edit The above statement was in no way meant to suggest that David donate one of his models. I apologize for any misunderstanding my statement may have caused.
  10. David, congratulations. Whoever has purchased the cutter is acquiring a true piece of art. If only had I know you were going to sell it.......
  11. If you can't get satisfaction from your supplier you may want to look into replacing the barrels. This link is barrels supplied by Cornwall Model Boats. https://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/cgi-bin/ss000001.pl?SO=1_3_4_0&TB=O&SS=cannon barrel &PR=-1&SO=1_3_4_0&SO=1_3_4_0&SO=1_3_4_0&SS=cannon+barrel+&SS=cannon+barrel+&SS=cannon+barrel+&PN=0
  12. Ernie, nice to meet you. Keith here, we live in Grass Lake just west of Ann Arbor. If you had a build log it would be easier to help you. Check out the below link for a kit on eBay. It might give you a sense of scale. It looks complete, it might be worth the investment? https://www.ebay.com/itm/224473034122?hash=item3443a2ad8a:g:qzsAAOSwYABgq-UW
  13. Iseaz, see the following build log page 2, post #40. The cannon look like the cannon you received except they might be drilled a little more but not much more. Also, suppliers list this kit as discontinued?
  14. Alex, welcome to MSW. I look forward to seeing your Mayflower build log.
  15. Lynn, good to see a Pram update, I think you're doing splendid. You're excess glue removal is evident by the sharpness of detail. Twenty models into this hobby you'll still be learning because each new project presents it's on set of problems needing to be solved and you'll still be your harshest critic. Good to see you play golf, it's too easy to become one dimensional. Good work, steady on.
  16. Pat, another lovely bit added to the mix. You'll have to treat us to a full deck photo as it's been awhile since the whole was shown in one go.
  17. Thank you, Pat. If the fog hasn't lifted by the time I need to start the running rigging I'll sing out. The standing rigging is pretty much self explanatory. I'm not holding out high hopes on hitting the belaying plan dead on but as I'll not be adding sails I think there'll be room for forgiveness. I'm certain that the "aha moment" will arrive, it just may take longer than what I had initially hoped for. I just wanted to alert those that follow my efforts to the fact that progress will be slow going over the course of the next three to four months. Thank you to all for stopping by........Keith
  18. LK, welcome to MSW. Once you get settled in you need to start a build log because I and I'm sure others are going to want to look over your shoulder.
  19. This rigging phase is going very slow, mainly because I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know how many times I've gone through Peterson's book, how many rigging plans I've looked at and how many build logs I've visited. What progress I make is monkey see, monkey do. I can't quite find a rigging plan that gives me that "aha moment". Occasionally the light bulb flickers and then goes dark. So when I get frustrated with one task, I jump to another in hopes it won't be as frustrating. Well, no such luck so far but it'll all come together eventually, one way or another. So I jumped into culling deadeyes. I bought 200 ea, 4 MM deadeyes and 80 ea, 3 MM deadeyes (they come in 40 each packs) I only got a 75% acceptance rate (144 total good ones) on the 4 MM deadeyes and 90% on the 3 MM. I don't know why there should be a lower fallout rate on the 3 MM vs the 4 MM? I need to cull the culls on the 4 MM as I need a total of 164. I need 48 of the 3 MM so I'm in good shape on those. I'm also trying to get my head and fingers trained in stropping these little buggers. I'm using 28 GA annealed black wire, it's not coming naturally yet but I'm sure it will at some point, it better as I have 106 to do. And then when that fun task is done I need to lace the 106 pairs together. Third hand don't fail me now!
  20. The Beagle is looking good, Rob. Your work surface looks well organized compared to mine, mine looks like it was stirred with a stick.
  21. John, I used white coated craft wire for the railings. I bought my stanchions from Cornwall Model Boats. I glued the stanchions in first and then ran the wire. One thing I learned, it's impossible to pull wire around a corner. I left the corner stanchion loose and only when the wire was run did I glue the corner stanchions into position. It's hard to paint railing (wire) and have a even clean look. For this reason I also left the stanchions unpainted.
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