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Everything posted by lmagna

  1. As long as you only urinate on the bushes and clean up your poop I suppose it is OK.
  2. I usually take my dog for his walk................ I don't do it for him.
  3. Marvelous job on a seldom modeled ship in a hard to work with medium Chris. Congratulations
  4. There is this one as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7pheKy5apk
  5. Had to follow each link one at a time but I can't believe how crisp everything is even in super zoom. Makes me feel like I'm walking the 5.9" gundeck while they are being installed. Very clean and crisp work. Looking forward to even more.
  6. Looking really nice Jack. One would almost think you knew what you were doing!
  7. I didn't say that there was no effort on historical preservation. At least not these days. Probably when they were first sold by McLaren to other racers they did what they needed to do to keep them legal and competitive with little thought for history, but eventually they were sold into the hands of collectors and amateur classic racers. By that time they were beginning to go up in value again. These people went about restoring the car back to one of it's original configurations probably documenting the whole process and establishing how much of the present car was still original based on the serial number. In the case of your photos, the car is possibly one of three cars manufactured in 1969. One of those cars was actually converted from a 1968 M8A so only two were M8Bs from the ground up. All three of those cars were converted to low wing M8Cs and Ds when the high wing was outlawed at the end of 1969. It gets a little confusing without the actual serial numbers and records but it is certain that all of the existing cars today went through this process and to return them to Historical Condition would require a reversal of that process. Each car has a log book that should include any and all owners, races, drivers, and modifications ever done on the car. The same thing applies to even Chaparrals which Jim Hall never sold after the original Chaparral, (1s). The 1969 Chapparal 2F sits on one of the original 1965 Chaparral 2 chassis. The same goes for the 2D. The original of two 2Es was built onto the single aluminum 2C chassis, and one of the 2Es became the 2G. The Chaparral 2H and J car were unique one-of-a-kind, as was the Indy Chaparral 2K years later. One set of cars that comes to mind that are an exception would be the cars raced by David Piper. He kept almost all of his green racing cars of the 60s and early 70s. So his green Ferrari 250 LM, as well as his Lola T70 MK 3B, Ferrari 365 P2 and Porsche 917K are all pretty much as he raced them in his driving carrier. I think I read somewhere he recently sold his 917K after rebuilding or replacing the engine that was destroyed in 2009 by a missed shift when being driven by freelance car journalist and race car driver Mark Hales. It ended up costing Hales $174,000 in repair and legal fees when Piper sued him and won. But that is another story as the saying goes.
  8. We have something in common other than this forum and love of ships Mark. My daughter-in-law was the reason I was able to get my shots as well. This state is pretty much in chaos and totally lost when it comes to shots. I don't even think they have covered 50% of the recognized seniors yet and the vaccine has been out for months now! There was another story today where a senior couple had to drive hundreds of miles across the state to get a shot. There seems to be no cohesive leadership on this effort at all.
  9. The only problem with that is almost all we have to go with today is pictures like you posted of the RESTORED surviving cars. A lot has been done to most of them to return them to racing condition for running in a number of historical events each year but in many ways they have also been restored as show cars with a little extra attention to the bling factor here and there. They are also limited to the look of the parts still available. This is most often seen in the tires they have to run. Here is another modern picture of a M8D
  10. Detail on top of detail. The kit that keeps on giving. You seem to have it well in stride though Craig. I have seen pictures of a couple of other builds and I think I agree with you. While much of the engine and stuff on the real cars were either black or at least dark there would have been silver braded lines and probably colored spark plug wires and possibly some color coded plumbing for other things like brake lines and such, say metallic blue braiding instead of silver. Even the magneto could be two tone instead of just plain dark.
  11. Too bad on the 1/350 stuff. Possibly look at four rail PE sets and consider cutting window frames from them. Don't know. On your present build I still think you were right by putting the thick part on top! Good luck with both the davits and eyesight.
  12. I personally blame the makers of the PE. It is obvious in the pictures that the top rail is nice heavy polished wood and stands out as such. It would also be obvious to anyone who has ever taken a cruise on a ocean liner. They should design their expensive after market additions accordingly. Is there any possibility that the 1/350 PE for the Entex Titanic would fit? There are a lot of salon windows in that set. https://www.scalemates.com/kits/toms-modelworks-3521-rms-titanic-pe-windows--162718 Possibly another source would be Old Model Kits. They offer an amazingly expensive resin 1/350 Normandie that is supposed to have two sheets of PE. Maybe they would be willing to sell you just the PE sheets if they include what you want. https://www.oldmodelkits.com/index.php?searchtext=1/350 normandie
  13. Not certain if your criteria can be met but here are a few choices that I would trust if I was looking for the same information. Vegaskip As an artist who paints on this subject often and beautifully, I would be surprised if he didn't have considerable resources and information well beyond his own not insignificant knowledge. Valeriy V I suspect that he is well researched and knowledgeable on this subject as well and certainly has a command of English that can be helpful. I am certain that there are also other active members with the required information, but a quick PM to either of both of these talented and able people I suspect will either be able to answer your question, hopefully to your satisfaction, or be able to point you in the right direction.
  14. I already got bit there once, (Houston) and have been trying to resist two more for at least two or three years now. It's horrible when there is only one option for something you would really like to do, and it is the most expensive!
  15. You may have accidently discovered something Chris. In my humble opinion the upside down railings look just like the real thing with the top rail being made of a thicker polished wood railing instead of the metal of the lower sections. For not having any top notch skill, experience with resin, and patience combined with good eyesight you are sure turning out a miniature masterpiece. It is frightening what you could possibly do if you had all of those attributes!
  16. With the lighting, it almost looks like he is wearing silver gloves and his position looks like he is "Moon walking." Nice work on the uniform. All those figures over on the farm are paying off!
  17. Definitely starting to show the semi stressed engine design of the M8A/B. The engine bolted directly to the rear of the monocoque chassis with a small relatively light frame around the transaxle to hold the rear suspension with the whole thing joined by torsion bars. Simple, light, and effective.
  18. That's called "Make up" Denis. Ugly people need large amounts!
  19. Why the Cimarron? Not exactly the same but possibly could be a basis to start from: http://www.hobbylinc.com/lindberg-navy-tanker-plastic-model-military-ship-kit-1:520-scale-hl438-12?source=froogle&gclid=Cj0KCQiAst2BBhDJARIsAGo2ldWGqg4pc3smgcermTzcl7ZMUtEfBJbHRmAyt5kG_xRfTfWfJ11NX7oaAgSqEALw_wcB Or possibly the almost exact but normally considered inferior https://www.ebay.com/itm/MISB-REVELL-USS-MISSION-CAPISTRANO-FLEET-OILER-/303857713892?hash=item46bf54c2e4%3Ag%3Ae-EAAOSweAlfyTmn&nma=true&si=5UfrHRb3SAVqgNx3kIne3ly%2B3Mk%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 If you want to spend A LOT more money and still need to do some major scratch building to retrofit back to a tanker you could get the Sangamon instead. http://ironshipwrights.com/pages/sangamon.html Probably be easier to scratch build.
  20. I also feel privileged to have been allowed to follow along on this vision Ekis. Even if I was hanging from the rafters most of the time. It is not often one gets to see a masterpiece such as this come together brick by brick. Thanks for sharing your special vision. I can't wait until you get your endoscope. I bought one a few years ago and have played with it off and on. It opens so many possibilities. Hopefully you will be able to bring us back for a visit now and then and the whole village does not end up "Going to the fairies."
  21. Don't do anything based on my comment. They are both fantastic models in their own right, you want to put them where you can see them easily. It's not like my measly half a dozen 1/24th cars that not only are the same scale but from the same time period and form of racing. (Except for my Mini Cooper that is a copy of my real car in 1/24th).
  22. Can't get much more definitive than that! those certainly are four blade and that is a YMS! If it was me, I would personally take that over the meager sources I have available.
  23. Did you find the vinyl wiring harness hard to deal with? Looking good.
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