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Jim Rogers

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Everything posted by Jim Rogers

  1. Leaving at o dark thirty tomorrow for the drive down.
  2. IMO it is always better to paint as early as you can. I paint before if it makes sense. On my Rattlesnake Build I installed the interior bulkheads (ceiling), taped the hull up, and used my air brush. I usually use the air brush for large areas.
  3. I agree with Al. Laying the deck planks before attaching the bulkheads is the way to go. Make them a little proud at the edges and then sand them even with the lip. Take a pencil and darken one side of your plank prior to glueing to simulate caulking. Don’t worry it is just a model, have fun with it. Each and every model is an education.
  4. The White on the gundeck actually brightens up the dark area and makes the guns stand out.
  5. Think how good that deck is going to look against that green.
  6. USS Constitution by Sawdustdave pg 19 shows what I am talking about.
  7. The “ceiling” is the wall on the interior or the inner bulkhead. I believe on the Connie it was painted green. Have a look see at some of the Connie build logs and you will see what I mean.
  8. Mike is the deck secured secured? Because you might want to paint the inner bulkheads (ceilings) before installing the deck permanently. Saves on messing up that beautiful wood.
  9. When the handles for the windlass were not in use where they stowed in brackets or just under the seats? Looks like they would constantly be in the way if left in the windlass.
  10. Correct.
  11. The sling attaches the block to the yard...... on my Syren.
  12. Very nice setup Dave.
  13. I keep my old iMac for the same reasons. I can use Appeture and my 100’s of dollars worth of photo filters which are not compatible with my new iMac, which I hate. I am also starting to case all my models for the same reasons. What about adding glass/acrylic doors to your book shelves?
  14. Very nice Wefalck. Love the library/workshop combo. Wish I had that Lathe setup. The 360 Panorama is very impressive.
  15. IMO if you are going to leave wood Natural or Stain, stick with PVA. If you are going to paint or Copper Plate, CA use is Okay. I also use clamps,tape and rubber bands instead of push pins as I don’t like the holes they leave and in many cases are a real PITA to push in.
  16. You can special order a build from Motionmodels.com.
  17. The “C”is not silent in my house. Just like candy when the good candy is gone you throw the rapper away.
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