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Jim Rogers

NRG Member
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Everything posted by Jim Rogers

  1. Gorilla glue now has CA with an applicator brush that is very handy. Yellow cap and about a 15 sec set time.
  2. John, I had a similar experience plus the nail never seemed to go in straight. Turns out to be more of a wood shredder than a pin pusher at least in my experience.
  3. Clamps, bull dog clips and rubber bands are waaaaaay easier to use. I have one of push pin drivers and IMO they are not worth the hassle.Haven’t used it in years
  4. The Amati Keel Clamper is a very versatile and useful tool. I do not use nails to hold planking in place. I use Bull dog clips and clamps. In a pinch I may use the occasional tee pin.
  5. Jond if you do a resin pour you can dye it to the exact color you want. Pour it in layers and you can stack shades. You need to put a protective tape coating on your hull to keep the resin from sticking or use a sacrifice substitute with a tape coating. Go on line and watch Resin Pour River table videos for ideas and how-twos. I am glad you are attempting this as I am looking at the possibility also and will be following your success. https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/category/Water go to this website, look at their product and watch their videos. I use these products in my Dioramas.
  6. Once you get that Bowspirit set move slowly around the bow. Unintentionally hitting it can cause lots of damage to your beautiful work.
  7. That should work John. It is looking real good.
  8. My local Dry Cleaner has a seamstress to hem pants. I brought my sail plans to her along with the material and she made my sails.
  9. I would say it depends on the look you want. The Admiral did not like the shiny copper look so I brushed on Modern Options Sophisticated Finishes Patina Green. It pretty much immeadiatley turns the copper green. Then I put on a coat of Poly. If you want it shiny I would guess plain wipe on poly. The dog ear issue comes down to just take care.
  10. I would think that there would be some cargo rings. I also think they would have employed blocking and bracing to hold cargo in place.
  11. Ronald can you post a picture of your stern area. In cases like this many people do many different things. I build a jig using the ships plans as a guide, I then steam the wood place it on the jig hold it in place with clamps and let it dry. When dried it should be pretty close to the shape needed. You can also soak in boiling water or use a hair curling iron.
  12. The way I rounded the square axles: Locate a drill bit the same size as the hole in the wheel, take one of your Dremel grinders and drill a hole in it, now just put the square axle in and hit for a second. Now round.🤗
  13. These are pictures of a XKE engine and a Roadster modeled by Ken Foran. You CAN get those hinges done. Your primary build is looking great.
  14. She is GORGEOUS. Love the hammocks. I wish I had your patience.
  15. 9201C496-97F7-4FD1-A55C-294BD1CB62D9.MOV Just got home today from the conference. It was a great time with a outstanding group of people. The presentations and round tables where very educational. The models brought by members were all great. Members should really think about attending. If you had attended this conference you would have been treated to a presentation by Peter Rindlisbacher on his Marine Art and how he accomplishes these Master pieces. The vendors from Bluejacket, Sherline and Train Troll were there with product and answers. Pam Weiss’s (Sherline] round table on machining was very educational and a big hit. Looking forward to Bluejacket’s release of the Charles W. Morgan cutaway. The meals served at the conference were very good. The hotel was great with three fine Resturants. My only complaint was getting to the Strip from the hotel and NRG has no control of this. The shuttles had a schedule but sometimes they were over an hour late. Looking forward to next years get together. Model in video by Gus Agustin
  16. Looks great. Think about Syren Ship Company Helm Wheel Kit along with his rigging line and blocks. They are awesome.
  17. Arrived today at 4pm. Very nice hotel with great Resturants. Got all checked in to Conference. Going to be fun with lots of great info. Sherline vendor is here😁
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