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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. AEW, thanks, after redownloading it worked fine. Might have gotten corrupted somewhere, as initially it was not a zip file. John
  2. Well, my friend, it looks as though you're still working to fill up your office, however, you might actually have room for this one. I'll have to check it out next time we're there. Looks like fun. John
  3. Thanks, I'll try that. When it came up in the file, it showed "file" as the type extension. That was why I asked. It doesn't have an xls or an msi extension. It asks me what I want to open it with, but none of the options would open it. I'll probably download it again and try. Thanks again, John
  4. What is the program extension or how did you run it. I tried on Windows 10 and can't get it to work. This looks like an incredibly nice tool to have when working with Metrics. Thanks, John
  5. Hi Larry, sorry to hear you're under the weather. Hope to see you back soon. Thanks for letting us all know, we've all been there at least once I think. Take care, my friend, John
  6. Fun tool, wish I had one. Not sure what I'd do with it right now since I don't have a project, but dang, it'd be fun anyways! John
  7. My old ship the USS John F Kennedy CVA-67 is to be a museum in Newport, RI within the next year or so. I was stationed for her 2nd cruise in 69 to the Med. At the time, the newest and the biggest. She was retired in 2007 as the last oil burner. She was supposed to be nuke, but McNamara cut the funds so she was converted to an oil burner. She never was right, always had a list to stbd and had to keep enough fuel on board for ballast to keep her level. Museum is a better option than our sister ship the USS America CVA-66 she was sunk and is now a reef off of Florida. John (EM2)
  8. Hi Tim, looks like a good project. Don't know if you are aware or not, but the real Jeremiah O'Brien is moored in San Francisco Bay and you can take rides on her out into the bay. Good place for a photo op. You can tour all over it. If I recall when James Cameron filmed the Titanic, he used the engine room from the O'Brien to film since it is one of the few engines of an era and they were somewhat similar in function. The O'Brien uses an Ajax Iron Works 3 cylinder engine so the effects worked out for him. You can probably pull photographs from the O'Brien website. John
  9. Thanks Mike, if I were to do something like that, I'd probably bring a chair and sit there with it. Wouldn't be able to trust that some kid might hurt it. I know where you're talking about. 67 Plymouth GTX, mine new in 66 - long story but have a written history for it among other things. I have it listed at: http://www.carsonline.com John
  10. Good idea Richard. Oddly, I've had several discussions with clients concerning this very subject yesterday. Most of our discussions centered on using an extension base for the lathe bed (which I provide), allowing for longer pieces of wood to be turned by allowing the excess to protrude through the hole in the motor case and attach to the tail stock. This can be a very versatile tool. John
  11. Hello Bob, Sherline tools especially in the machine lathes and mills are fantastic products. I learned how to do machine work on them. The DB250 Wood Lathe on the other hand is superior to any small wood lathes I've seen on the market. If I had to do any machine work I would definitely use a Sherline Lathe, the Mill is about equal to the Proxxon FF230 MIll. Sherline of course has many more accessories for both machines and many are compatible with Proxxon. But for woodwork the DB 250 is superior. John
  12. Hi Mike, glad the photos have helped. I've been there twice to see her. Last summer I had a friend building the model and he asked me for some specific pictures of certain items, so that when I was there I took a whole lot of pictures with a modeler's "eye" and posted them. Quite of few members of the Niagara Club look at them on a regular basis. I thought this would be my next build, but plans changed. Downsizing to a 5th wheel hopefully but have to sell a Classic Car first. You know any car collectors around here? I have it listed online. John
  13. Hi Brian, good to see you here. I have turned them both ways, You can adjust the distance through the collet and the hole and the adjustable end support for stability.
  14. Hi Holty, I am a Proxxon dealer in the US and a sponsor of the NRG and this Forum. The DB 250 has a hole which goes all the way through it for longer dowels to go through when turning. It is held by a collet which also has a hole through it. This allows for holding the piece so as not to break it with too much side pressure from the chisel. I can provide you with a picture if you need to see how it looks. No worries, John http://www.proxxontoolsdiscount.comm
  15. Great Mike, I'm glad to hear you got Jason's wood, it makes all the difference in the world. Anal, yeah, maybe some, but nothing wrong with that as it makes our attempts better. Keep it up and you'll be proud. Have you ever been aboard the Niagara? If not, be sure and check out my photos about Niagara. If I had room I'd be building her. John
  16. Mike, if I recall I didn't worry about the plank count because the planks were somewhat irregular, mostly a little larger so the count wouldn't come out the same. Since I was coppering the hull it didn't matter to me as well as it's not visible. Unless your wood is a perfect width and a perfect fit it probably will be off. My Garboard was of proper width but most of the others weren't so when it came time to close up the hull the pieces were trimmed and shaped to the remaining hole. Hope that helped, John
  17. Hi Tim, a friend of mine was involved in the salvage and I got 50 of the coins from him. It was done with a Drill Ship and once located (my friends information as he had the Ship's Purser under contract) a string of drill pipe was lowered and punched through the deck and a gel which solidifies when mixed with salt water was injected to cover the silver coins, then a grappel was used to pick up the globs and bring what they could to the surface. Slow and expensive so they quit when they had around 500,000 of them. The cost then was $20Mil for 500,000 coins. They weigh about an ounce and look like new. The Shek kept the coins so there aren't many of them around. Fun project. John
  18. Count me in, I've always had an interest in Liberty Ships. I have a couple of bits of treasure from the SS John Barry, sunk in the Straits of Oman after radio silence was broken by the Brittish purposely exposing her location to the German U-Boat known to be in the area. She was carrying 2,000,000 silver Saudi Ryals to start the company ARAMCO. There's a book on it called Stalin's Silver. She is in 8,900' of water and about 500,000 of the coins were recovered by the Sheik of Oman in the late 90's. Fun ships they all have a story. My recollection is the SS is for SteamShip as they weren't Naval Ships. John
  19. Hi Mike, the planking is shaping up nicely. Things do get dusty and into everything. Don't know if you have a need for an Amati Keel Clamp Vise or not. I've used mine on 2 ships and it's really versatile. If you decide you want it PM me or email me, I think you have my email address. We can eliminate the shipping and I'll deliver it to you. These are rare. John Forgot the link: http://www.proxxontoolsdiscount.com/store/p339/39527_Amati_Keel_Klamper_Only_1_Avail..html
  20. Thanks Bruce, that's why I created it. Glad it is helpful. Your Morgan is looking terrific. John
  21. Very nice framing Dave I think it's going to look very good when finished. Definitely a bold approach with good results.
  22. You needed it today - got to 89. Sounds like you're getting ready for June. Great idea. John
  23. Hello Chuck. I show the procedure I used on my Morgan in detail using Alexy Domanoff's Server on my website Build Log Part III. One thing to remember if you don't already know is to begin your Lanyards knot in the most forward hole of the top deadeye. If looking at the starboard side the first knot will be to the right or toward the bow, and on the port side it will be the same thing on the left. I also served the entire length of the shrouds. Hope this helps. John http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com
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