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Everything posted by niwotwill

  1. Its looking good and square 👋 👍. I dry fit the deck pieces to make sure frames are at the same heights forward to aft and athwartship. Just a thought. Stay Well and Stay Safe Will
  2. Started following your log beyond building I'm amazed at your tenacity to repeatedly put it down and pick it up years later. 👋👋 Its looking good much better hull shape that the kit I used. Stay Well and Stay Safe Will
  3. Looking good Bob and you're right about the centerboard rod coming loose mine did during the build. The hole in the centerboard became oversized due to work and boy is a bit** to get it back. The other day it came loose while moving the model and I just left it off. I'll glue the rod permanently someday. Stay Well and Stay Safe Will
  4. SkiBee Your planking looks about like mine prior to finish. Sorry I didn't take photos while building the smack. The dent you mention is similar to the dent I have on mine. I believe the dent is caused by the frame fairing of Number 9. I didn't fix it on mine as I just didn't want to remove the planking so its still there. On mine after number 8 the planks have to rise to meet number 9 causing the dent/recess. I used David Anscherls method of gap filling to great success. Mixed sawdust with white glue and filled the planking gaps, works wonderfully. Putty will fill between the planks but!!!!!!! the distance between frames and thiness (not sure if its a word) of the planks caused the gaps to crack over and over until I tried Davids method. Youre on a good path it's looking very nice. Stay Well and Stay Safe Will
  5. You're off to a great start. It makes a fine display model and fun to build. Looking a center frames and dagger board brings back memories of trying to get full movement of the dagger board. I'm going to pull up a chair and follow along if you don't mind. If you need some help don't hesitate to ask. Stay Well and Stay Safe Will
  6. Absolutely fantastic longboat. The details you have put into the thwarts leading edges takes this to another level of modeling. I think I'll call your work "artwork" not modeling. How the rear thwarts fit around the frames makes wonder how many you had to make to get perfection. Thank you Thomas for sharing this with us mere mortals. Stay Well and Stay Safe Will
  7. I'm really enjoying following your build and find your ideas and log very informative and will be helpful when I start my ECB. Its looking very nice and now I have to wait to see the stanchions and planking. Stay Well and Stay Safe Will
  8. Looking at the photos makes me excited to get started but I must be patient and finish what I'm in the middle of. I got a tip from David Antscherl about filling up glue seams prior to painting it is to mix some sawdust with glue and use it like putty. It sands like the wood and makes a beautifully hidden seam unlike putty. Just a thought Stay Well and Stay Safe Will
  9. A very out of the box solution to a difficult problem and it looks as if it will work. WELL DONE Patrick. I had forgotten about the kit parts as I did not use them so I went back to look and you were right UGH!!! I haven't been spending much time on Syren but now that I'm caught up on honey do's i'm starting up again. Yours is looking very good I'm anxious to see the carronades mounted. Stay Well and Stay Safe Will
  10. Just checking in your build. I love to go back and admire the photos of your work. Stay Well and Stay Safe Will
  11. Finally got back to working on the Syren. Completed half of the carronade rigging and made the balance of the breech lines. Slow progress but I think I will be able to work more steadily and get more done. At the half way point its beginning to feel like the end is in sight. Stay Well and Stay Safe Will
  12. I've built this kit along with the number 2 and 3 as a learning exercise to improve my modeling. The dory makes a wonderful display piece and you're off to a great start. Looking at your log brought back the memories of building this kit and a wonderful time. Hope you enjoy ship modeling. You're doing a wonderful job and its looking very good. Stay Well and Stay Safe Will
  13. Making great progress Andrew. A great point about the gap between the cutwater and bowsprit. Studying the plans I see now how the gap would be developed. Great catch for us following. Glad your fix worked for you. I love the view of the deck framing. Great Work Stay Well and Stay Safe Will
  14. Great post and very informative. She's looking really nice and I think you're correct on the brass will look better when painted. Stay Well and Stay Safe Will
  15. Maury I found this book while researching the ECB I know you mentioned you had a library of ECB but thought I'd show it to you in case you haven't got a copy. Excellent photographs of the Emma C Berry Stay Well and Stay Safe Will
  16. Maury That's what I was concerned about glad to see you'd thought about it. I was concerned about asking but decided I had to ask. Thanks for clearing this up. Stay Well and Stay Safe Will
  17. Good work you're really flying on the build. I'll be watching you progress with you jigs and frame installations. Really nice work. Just a question though. if the top of the frames end at the sheer won't the line on the gantry have to be reset as the sheer curves? Just a thought. Stay Well and Stay Safe Will
  18. Rope looks fantastic. Yes it is fun to make rope. The hardest thing for me is keep the receipt and record for future use. I haven't used poly rope yet but yours looks really nice so maybe I'll give it a try. Stay Well and Stay Safe Will
  19. Transom looks very clean and nice. I especially like the inside planking to the deck. I was would like to see a photo of the transom from the stern. I'm using your build to learn from and follow my build which I hope to start soon. Lovely work. Stay Well and Stay Safe Will
  20. Maury Your making good progress. Hard to wait to see the next installment. UPS finally dropped my Emma kit on Saturday studied the plans and am ready to start but must wait to get more work done on existing projects. Stay Well and Stay Safe Will
  21. Maury I'm entering the HAER Lettie G. Howard into my CAD system to develop the patterns to make her parts. Also ordered the ECB and the kit is in the hands of USP somewhere. (should see her next week) Your log will be very useful to me with ECB since I've been collecting books and photos as you. I'd like to pull up a front row chair if there is still room. Waiting is the hardest part Stay Well and Stay Safe Will
  22. Deconstruction complete without damaging the keel assembly. Now start build frames using the Tosti method. Start again tomorrow Stay Well and Stay Safe Will
  23. Good Morning Andrew I've been following your build while I wait for my ECB to arrive. One good thing about this covid is UPS is delivering on saturdays here and around 5 my kit arrived. You know with the size of the lodging knees I'm not sure using a table saw would be of much use. I went out to my shop and found a modelers mitre saw like a carpenters finish mitre saw. Probably too lake but here's a picture. I use this if my cuts are one off and not worth making a jig or setup. Stay Well and Stay Safe Will
  24. Patrick its been a long time since I checked in on your log and you've made great progress. The work you've done since my last time is looking very nice. Overworkeds comment on the front port doors reminded me of something I'd seen on another model. At 1:64 the front doors were curved to sit evenly with the siding and what the modeler had done was to lightly sand them to shape. It wasn't much but looking closely you could see the fit. Stay Well and Stay Safe Will
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