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Posts posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. Thank you very much!  Merry Christmas!


    I will admit though, I’ve been pretty much playing a game of make it up as I go along.  I did that with the Prince de Neufchatel too.


    It is working though.  I’ve been having a lot of fun.  I’m learning a lot, too.

    This is a great learning experience for my next project (either the Edmund Fitzgerald, the Triton or the Winchelsea).


    I have the mouldings on the aft section of the starboard side done.  I am getting ready to start the midship portion.



  2. Thank you all for the comments and the likes!


    Merry Christmas to all!


    I am using card stock strips to give the impression of mouldings (due to the small scale).  It looks a little whopper jawed (hillbilly for crooked) in the picture, but that is because of alignment issues from merging a kit with the plans from the AOTS.  It should come out well.


  3. It’s a matter of personal taste.

    I like carving.  I didn’t know that I did until I tried it.

    Many people like sculpting.  I have heard that sculpey is really easy to work and has minimal shrinkage when baking.  I have the tools and the sculpey, but I haven’t tried using them.  I am going to try it out on my next model.

    Either way, at worst you are only out a little bit of time and material if the first attempt doesn’t come out right.


    If you’ve never tried carving, I would encourage using the learn to carve tutorial here.  It helped me tremendously.

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