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Posts posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. The head gratings are in place.  

    They need some trimming and some paint work.


    The knight heads are just dry fitted.


    I extended the beak head and will paint it when I paint the gratings.


    I just need to make two fashion pieces that sit on top of the head rails and two double seats of ease and the head will be complete.


    I’m holding off on making the boomkins until I get further along so I don’t break them.



  2. I have the framing for the head gratings in place.


    The first set of seats of ease are painted and installed.


    I have a few more pieces to make and install so I can paint the framing.  Then I will start the gratings themselves.  


    I am going to use the exact same method I used on the Prince de Neufchatel to make the gratings.






  3. Here is where I am starting off for the day.  

    The center piece is partially base coated.  

    The top rail needs touched up.


    I also had a fortuitous event this morning.  I discovered that I had a good sail plan for the Victory which is the last thing that I lacked.


    I found it on page 190 of Bjorn Landstrom’s The Ship.


    I had planned on pausing Victory to build the Edmund Fitzgerald but I believe that I am going to press on with Victory.  I am two and a half years into this build and I think it is time to finish it.






  4. I got a set of plans for the Edmund Fitzgerald, today.  They are in 1/192 scale and originate from the Archer Company in Toledo, OH from 1978.


    I will be putting the Victory on hold in the near future for this project.

    I am going to build her POB.  

    The keel and bulkheads will be 1/4” plywood.


    The covering will likely be the leftover houghtboard that I used for the Prince de Neufchatel.

    The Edmund Fitzgerald was steel, so I’m not worried about planking detail.  Plus 1/192 scale makes it difficult to put tiny details on anyways.


    I’ll start making sawdust in the near future (it depends on when I get to a hardware store).

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