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Posts posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. Happy New Year everyone!


    Thank you all for all the comments and the likes!

    I used my new contour gauge for the first time to take the contour of the upper hull for the starboard fenders.



    I made two of them from 1/16” basswood.




    After trying to glue both, I realized that the second fender didn’t look like the first one, so it got pulled off and slimmed down.



    Time to make fenders for the port side!

  2. I bought mine off E-Bay.  Those are 54mm (1/32).


    Chris Watton (Vanguard Models) is making 1/64 figures of Lord Cochrane and Lord Nelson.  They look awesome, but I haven’t bought them yet.


    Otherwise, there are plenty of 28mm (1/56) figures that can be found out there.  Some can be used as is, others would require some conversion work.  They might be too large though.

  3. And now for something completely different:


    I mostly finished painting a Call To Arms British Grenadier from the American War of Independence (AWI).


    This isn’t the best paint job that I’ve ever done, but it will do.  I shaded it too dark.  I used the strong tone (Army Painter) instead of the soft tone (also Army Painter), oops.  

    We’ll call it a grenadier on campaign.


    I am waiting for it to dry before I highlight it.



    I made the lower part of the starboard side ladder on Victory too.


  4. Thank you very much for all the likes!


    I finished making the aft portion of the mouldings on the port side.


    I found out something useful from looking at pictures of the Victory as she is in Portsmouth (thank you everyone who posts pictures of your trip there, I really appreciate them).  The mouldings are painted the same as their backgrounds.  

    This means that painting them will be really easy, and will hide my mistakes better, lol.


  5. The mouldings on the starboard side are done.


    I discovered that I made the forward bulwarks incorrectly.  I will fully address that issue when I make all the railings and the timberheads.  In the meantime I filled in the cutouts that I made.


    This is a learning project and I already knew that there were many flaws in this model, so I will correct what I can, within reason and just move on.  I will remember my mistakes for future projects so I can do better.



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