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Everything posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. They have good drawings of them, including location, in John McKay’s 100 Gun Ship Victory.
  2. They aren’t hard to carve. I made the full set for my Victory out of a 1/8” square basswood strip. I used a scalpel to shape them.
  3. 8 down, 20 to go in this group: I almost have all the parts I need to continue working, but I might as well finish carving the quarterbadges and the stern window frames.
  4. Meriadoc, The Borderlands games for me. The latter day ships of the lines had most of their major fittings below deck. The annoying parts for me are the hammock cranes. Those are one of my least favorite parts to install and set up the netting for (and are actually one of the reasons I don’t typically build build late 18th Century or early 19th Century ships). I need to finish those up on the quarterdeck and work my way forward. I have most of the upper deck structures done, I just have to finalize all the details. It’s just a matter of sitting down and doing it. The masting and rigging are the easy parts for me. Setting up shrouds are difficult for me, but once that is done, it’s just rope work. I bought a full set of rigging fittings for the Victory last year, I just need to use them.
  5. Making progress on the carvings. I remembered about gluing them down to a board and did so. One of the crowns is nearly done. One crown is about 50% if I can salvage it. The one knot looking thing is cut out and awaiting getting the bas relief cut in it. Most of these carvings will be bas relief, which is not exclusively difficult. I only have three fully 3D carvings to do on this model, one figurehead and two heads that go on bitts. I am a few years out of practice on this sort of work, but that is okay. It is all coming back to me now. After I finish this model, I need to decide between an ironclad (or pre-dreadnought) or a 17th-century Dutch 80-gunner with lots of carvings. Or maybe I’ll just go for broke and build La Soleil Royale or the Sovereign of the Seas. Both of those have lots of carvings that look like fun, and I’ve seen some REALLY nice builds of both vessels, on this forum, that make me really want one. In the case of Sovereign of the Seas, I have the McKay book and the Amati plans, with 3 different sets of carvings between them. Maybe, I’ll just build it all three ways. Plus, I may or may not have bought the game “Greedfall” for the PS4 because of its rendition of the Sovereign of the Seas. Either way, once I run out of basswood sheets I need to replace them with some pear, boxwood or other tight grained wood to make the carvings on the next model. Also, my Victory needs finishing. It only has the upper deck detailing, upper head detailing, masting, rigging and sails to go. Sounds like a lot. It really isn’t. I could finish it up in a few months if I really wanted to. Then, I would at least have a completed first rate ship-of-the-line in my collection.
  6. As long as you pay attention to the condition of the model, I have personally not had any problems with buying a 2nd hand wood model.
  7. My carving refresher is going fair to middling: These are quarter badges
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