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Everything posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. Thank you all very much for the information! I greatly appreciate it! I really like the method of making gratings that Jan demonstrated on his card modeling forum (Thank you again for showing me that). I am going to try it out when I make the gratings for the main decks. They will look better than my last gratings. I will arrange to have the solid bars around the edges of the gratings. While we’re discussing 16th century tech, does anyone know anything about late 16th century artillery, and gun carriages in particular?
  2. Here are some pictures. The gundeck: Deck piece 42 is just sitting there. A pile of pieces: Two capstans: Capstan sitting in place: This is a good use for leftover giant Valentine’s Day cards. I have used four or five of them now. I have nearly seven left.
  3. Thank you very much! The shipyard workers are working wonders! We have made much more progress. I have not taken pictures yet. The gundeck is made, and installed, from stem to stern. It still needs touched up and sealed, but I have more parts to add, so I think I will take care of everything at once. I have traced out all the parts for the next several pages in the Victory Models instruction book. I am about 2/3 done cutting them out now. I made the two capstans as part of this. I have the beakhead deck ready to test fit, but I still haven’t cut out and laminated all of the associated pieces.
  4. Deck planking continues: The next deck, plus 3 others to use up that sheet of tracing paper: Lastly, my newest shipyard worker, Tiny Tina, is taking a nap: She is a broad-breasted white turkey poult. We have a tom turkey poult named Brick as well. They are both about a week and a half old.
  5. The gundeck is planked: I didn’t plank past the bulkheads because that is going to be planked in. Here is the aft deck: You will not be able to see much of any of these, but that’s okay.
  6. I am making progress with planking: The planking is going kind of slowly. But, it is getting done. All gaps will be properly painted. The weather has been improving so I have been busy working outside.
  7. Test fit on the aft decks. They need some trimming, but the test fit is an overall success.
  8. The gundeck is painted. The forward bulkhead is on. I installed the gratings and the hatch down. Started “planking” the deck. The rest of the deck pieces for this level are drying. They will be drying for the next 24 hours. I am going to be planking the inside of the gundeck bulwarks in the same fashion as @xodar461, whose build log of the Revenge kit I studied extensively, once I get to that point. Here is his build log: Continuing on, I squared bulkhead number 1 carefully and glued it down. I will glue the 4 aft bulkheads when I install the deck pieces. I am trying to avoid hull twist and warping. But, for my first multi-deck model, I think that this is going pretty well. I have bulkheads and deck pieces, that’s a good start. Soon it will be time to begin covering the hull and I will have to decide how I want to do that.
  9. I ended up cutting out bulkhead 4 and adjusting it to remove hull twist. It is now glued back down. Bulkheads 2 & 3 are now glued down and the gundeck is now in place. I was right, there will be minimal visibility through the decks, which is okay. This deck will get planked and get detailed, along with the stern portions of the deck, which are now cut out and laminated.
  10. While we’re on the topic, any idea about which style applied to late 16th century English?
  11. The orlop deck is complete: I have the deck beams for the gundeck drying: The gundeck is drying under glass: And a bowl of parts to include one bulkhead, several filler pieces, the gratings for the gundeck and a hatch: Time to start prepping the next round of pieces!
  12. He laid strips of heavy card across card making it look like a ladder. Then he cut lengthwise to make grating strips, the same way you would make them from wood strips. It is an excellent method for making gratings. I already made the ones for the gundeck, but I am going to use Jan’s method for making the rest of them.
  13. Orlop deck with my test run of contact paper covered “planks”: It will not be visible, so it is a good test run. I will have to prepaint the deck a dark brown next time so I do not have pink and red showing through in the gaps. Once I finish covering the deck, I’ll paint gaps as I can and the rest of the deck dark brown, since I am only planking to the bulkheads, and then seal everything in.
  14. Thank you very much! I will do that for the next round of gratings!
  15. The first round of gratings: The one on the right is for the Orlop deck and still needs painted. The one on the left is for the gun deck leading down into the orlop deck.
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