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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. Bernard Cornwell (author of Sharpe) also wrote an account of the battle, "Waterloo, a history of four days, three armies, three battles" I can recommend it.
  2. Yay!!! 2nd planking started, it's 5mmx1mm walnut, first strake on and part of number two, also top transom fitted, yet to be planked. I am using pva glue so its going to be a slow process. Thanks for comments, always appreciated and for the likes. Cheers 😉👍
  3. Great stuff OC. such an iconic shape to the fuselage, even like that there's no mistaking it's a Harrier.
  4. You've done great with your Sherbourne, those gun carriages look very good, to be honest any praise should go to Chris Watton and you, I just pointed you at Vanguard models. Very nice build. 😁👍
  5. I am of the Creed (everything is permitted) I just thought it would do for my ID on here. Eagerly awaiting the next installment of A.C
  6. Looks great EG, I'm glad you found the method of doing bare metal you were looking for! I like the finish on the tanks. 👍😁
  7. Yes, even we "real life professional" bricklayers use a big stick and a big hammer sometimes because walls do tend to lean over of their own account, 😬🙄🙄😂. I've been told by my garage mechanic that the big hammer is in their toolbox too!!!
  8. Hi Liam, Sherbourne was my first ship too, enjoy building her and have fun! It might be worth masking the stem, keel and sternpost with some tape to protect it if you plan to leave it wood finish, although if you're painting her it's not so important. Good start by the way. Cheers 👍😃
  9. Sanding and filler are our friends for the first planking. You can hide almost anything with plenty of sanding and filler. As Eamonn said 1mm planking can take a good run down. And the carronades look good
  10. I've just bought a proxxon fet saw and would like to know which blade would be best for ripping planks?
  11. Thank you Glenn, to be honest if I'd had the plans for a brig I would have been building a brig, but I do like the versatility of cutters and there is so much that can be changed or altered. Thanks everyone also for the likes and dropping by. fitted the stem, keel and sternpost tonight. Still slowly making the bulwarks, then it's on with 2nd planking. Til then Cheers
  12. Smart looking spit OC. The French at Le Haye Sainte won't know what's hit them!!!😉
  13. Very very nice, you have got a good looking plane after the niggles you had with it at the start😏😉
  14. @WalrusGuy has made his own quarter badges and explains his methods with good detail and very good photos. If you haven't already you should check his Syren log out
  15. The bulwarks are slowly but surely being replaced and the transom frame pieces are fitted. It's a bit trial and error at the moment. Thanks for the likes Cheers 😁👍
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