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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. She's come on well, considering she was destined for the bin!😋 Nice!
  2. EG how do you recall all the info? I read alot of history ref books but struggle to remember the facts I read.
  3. WOW!! That's huge, that must include the bowsprit and the boom. No wonder Jack has got to rearrange to display it. Did you have a good trip Craig?
  4. Welcome to MSW, be interesting to watch this one, have fun and really hope you get it steaming!!
  5. I'll look forward to you coming back with the dioramas, but in the meantime enjoy church? with your USS Constellation, happy modelling.😀
  6. Looks great Phil, is the second planking similar to a self adhesive vinyl paper? Will any multi purpose filler work as spackling in the UK is nearly £30 a tub?
  7. Very nice, I really do like the Tiger, they're a very workmanlike tank
  8. Two steps forward and one back but you keep slogging on, good rescue work. I'm with Lou on the hairdryer, give it back to the Admiral or at least take the plug off🙄😋
  9. 😃the metal finish looks stunning EG. I think the lack of notifications is due to the changes being made. Keep up the brilliant work (🙄pun intended)
  10. I'm watching this one with great interest, it's tempting me to try it for myself.
  11. I've just been catching up on your Renard. She's looking sweet, your 1st planking is very neat 😁👍
  12. It seems that you are getting there, isn't first planking fun😬, but it is all good practice for the final planking. All in all YOU are doing well.
  13. Quick update to this, I'm about 3 quarters way through first planking (it's certainly not the neatest work but it will be covered) and then I've got to rebuild the bulwarks as I dropped the hull more than once🙄 and most of the bulkhead tops snapped off, but I'm confident I can get round it. Photos to come when 1st planking finished. Thanks for looking in and comments and likes. Cheers 👍😁
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