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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. Thanks 😊 I've already got a card Tiger I to do Jack, just waiting for the card to get here. I did look at a Sherman or a kubelwagen with some sort of gun in tow
  2. Yipeee!!! I've finished the dauntless! Today last bits have been glued on and the decals put on. There may be some paint touch up to do but that's it. I'm happy with the final product, but the Admiral has said and I quote "I don't mind a ship or two but I'm not having any bloody planes knocking about" so in a box it will go to be forgotten in the model graveyard of the loft.😕😕😥😭 Thankyou all for hanging on in with me and all the comments, likes and off build conversations 👍 it's been a fun change from wood and I will definitely be doing another although I don't know what subject matter yet, but don't tell the Admiral 🤫 So the photos: thanks again everyone who has followed or looked in, stay safe and Cheers 👍😉😊😊
  3. I do buildings when my grandkids school projects require it but also used to scratch wargaming scenery in 28mm and 15mm scale. I've still got some terrain builds in a box in the loft. If this carries on I might start making more as I don't need to buy materials for it, I just use cardboard and other stuff that would usually get thrown away.
  4. welcome to MSW, please do put a build log up! Good job on the boat😀
  5. Are you sure they won't be needed in case the people rise up because of lockdown??😆😉
  6. Thanks OC. Yes it was last bit of the canopy and I'm surprised the first bit of this kit I've dropped! But at least it doesn't look to out of place without it.😏
  7. They look fine nell bombers😊👍, have to say my favourite Japanese aircraft are the val dive bomber and the kate torpedo bomber .
  8. Many thanks CapnMac. This first plastic kit I've done for 40+ years and I got to say they are much better now with the fit.
  9. I'll have clothes on under the clear coat so it doesn't cause offence 🤣🤣 Thanks Kevin, Some is freehand some I did cut up bits of masking tape. Thankyou both for your advice👍
  10. I was able to get into the workroom today and got some more done on the dauntless, basically there is only the decals to go on. The canopy painting went ok, not brilliant, definitely won't win any prizes for neatness but it's passable. (Except the rear piece which I broke when I dropped it on the floor then stepped on as I got up to retrieve it 🤬) Thanks for the kind words and likes. Cheers 😁👍 Before go I have a question, can I put a matt clear coat on before the decals or after?
  11. I found the same thing, I ended up stripping some heavy duty earth cable for the .5mm copper. She's gonna look good considering the problems you had at the start with the de-lamination. Great job😁👍
  12. Looking nice, bad luck with the cockpit decal, it's a bummer when you can't get on with things😕🤨
  13. Here Denis cos I know you like the big bombers😋😁 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hasegawa-HCP9-G3M2-G3M3-Mitsubishi/dp/B0042KULOO/ref=mp_s_a_1_7?dchild=1&keywords=Japanese+bomber+model+kits&qid=1586050236&sr=8-7#⁷ Ebayuk have also got some Japanese bombers including this one: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fujimi-1-144-144-Series-No-15-IJN-Visionary-Super-Heavy-Bomber-Fugaku-New-198382/164087036997?hash=item2634597c45:g:3JYAAOSw2XdeS3cW s-l140.webp
  14. You're using enforced modelling time well Phil. Victory is really coming along in leaps and bounds 😁👍
  15. Eamonn that is a very nice shipyard, I'm very jealous oh well I'll just go back to my tiny corner of the spare room 😥😂 I expect great things to come out of @ untidyshipyards😁😁 You and yours stay safe👍
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