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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. Now I did know that, my granddaughter and I used it with red food colouring to make an erupting volcano from gaffer tape and an eggcup!
  2. Quite impressive reactions!!. I didn't know that!! Got to make sure to use one or the other to strip paint.
  3. Hi, I went to my local library and basically printed them off at 75% of the 1:48 templates apart from the deck, profile and centre board which I had printed at John E Wright in Derby, again at 75%. I chose this scale as I plan to fully rig Triton. I hope this helps. I'll look forward to seeing your Triton builds. I will add I thoroughly enjoyed the cross section but if I did another it would be 1:48. Thanks for looking in. Cheers
  4. Lovely paint job, as OC said I like the camo scheme.
  5. Looking good so far, I would have to agree with the above comments about masking off the keel and stem, I didn't on Sherbourne although I did paint it.
  6. Thankyou, gentlemen. I am relieved to have got the majority of the fairing done although there is a bit more to do at the bow!
  7. Colour is even better with the gloss coat and lighting, top notch 😁
  8. The hull has been roughly faired and the gunport framing done, the frames for the stern were cut and placed(not glued). I traced the curve of the stern from the deck plans and transferred it to a piece of scrap which was the cut to shape, this was used as I fitted the stern parts to make sure that I had the correct curve. There was some more fairing done and hopefully I'm about there. I have to make the bollards and the stern filler pieces. Thanks for dropping by and the likes. Cheers
  9. Welcome and hello!!
  10. Do you think a flat black highlighted with gunmetal would work? The extra equipment looks good!
  11. I have been looking forward to seeing your Triton begin, best of luck with the build Christian 👍
  12. Great colour Craig, it'll be cool looking motor👍
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