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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. Not a lot to report, just wheels and then a few more wheels! still got more wheel parts to go but need a break,🤪 so going to do some planking on Triton. Thanks for stopping by and the likes👍 Cheers
  2. welcome to MSW and have fun on your maiden voyage!
  3. I agree very nice work. I like the surgical tape seat belt solution
  4. Thanks for dropping by everyone, this was supposed to be another kit build but lockdown has held up delivery so I found these card models online, so depending on how much longer I'm unable to go to work I've got enough of these to keep me going. So after a quick start I've slowed up making the wheels and suspension for the tracks. To be honest I'm finding it slightly difficult to cut holes neatly, but I get there. I've got 16 more wheels to make then I'll move on to the tracks. cheers 😊👍
  5. To stop myself going stir crazy I've downloaded some free card model templates from Paper-replika.com. Watching Jack do his magic with the armour kits he has, I thought I would have a go at this Sherman got the main body done and now it's on to the tracks and turret As I said these are free, just need ink and some 220gsm card. Cheers
  6. Great log EG and the finished product is excellent, the generator looks great, as does the tractor unit and AA gun😃😃👍
  7. Despite the kits faults, you are making a nice job of it!!
  8. Now I did know that, my granddaughter and I used it with red food colouring to make an erupting volcano from gaffer tape and an eggcup!
  9. Quite impressive reactions!!. I didn't know that!! Got to make sure to use one or the other to strip paint.
  10. Hi, I went to my local library and basically printed them off at 75% of the 1:48 templates apart from the deck, profile and centre board which I had printed at John E Wright in Derby, again at 75%. I chose this scale as I plan to fully rig Triton. I hope this helps. I'll look forward to seeing your Triton builds. I will add I thoroughly enjoyed the cross section but if I did another it would be 1:48. Thanks for looking in. Cheers
  11. Looking good so far, I would have to agree with the above comments about masking off the keel and stem, I didn't on Sherbourne although I did paint it.
  12. Thankyou, gentlemen. I am relieved to have got the majority of the fairing done although there is a bit more to do at the bow!
  13. Colour is even better with the gloss coat and lighting, top notch 😁
  14. The hull has been roughly faired and the gunport framing done, the frames for the stern were cut and placed(not glued). I traced the curve of the stern from the deck plans and transferred it to a piece of scrap which was the cut to shape, this was used as I fitted the stern parts to make sure that I had the correct curve. There was some more fairing done and hopefully I'm about there. I have to make the bollards and the stern filler pieces. Thanks for dropping by and the likes. Cheers
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