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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. Do you think a flat black highlighted with gunmetal would work? The extra equipment looks good!
  2. I have been looking forward to seeing your Triton begin, best of luck with the build Christian 👍
  3. I like the yard brush camo paint job Jack😁 Lou I hope you aren't finished with it yet. What has it been, 48 hours?!!!!!!! No he's had at least 72 hours on it😆
  4. welcome to MSW, good luck with your build and have fun! Oh and be sure to start a build log!
  5. welcome, enjoy whatever you decide to build and as they say "start a log" probably the best tool you'll find!!
  6. He keeps turning them out, I don't know where he finds the time 😂 what with all the chit-chat😁. It's turning out well tho' Jack 👍
  7. Welcome to MSW Tony, I like your thinking, "if the first don't work do another" Have fun and always enjoy 😃👍
  8. Hello, the cockpit is marvellous, detailing looks great !👍
  9. That's a good way to look at it! I never thought of it that way. Once again Lou and Mark thanks.
  10. Same as above, but someone here will be able to help 👍😁
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