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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. Very Nice work again. Can I ask are there going to be any columns/pillars for the first floor overhang?
  2. Beautiful aircraft Craig, it will look the db's when it's on the carrier deck😃
  3. Hmm the older OD looks a bit more of a dusty green rather than the darker green of the newer OD! Build looking good tho'😁
  4. Not a lot done but I have cut a test stem from some pear I had, this was done to see if I could manage it. I think I need to be a bit neater than this for the stem I will use, but as they say practice makes perfect!!😉 I have some cherry boards on their way this week so I'll be cutting another one but hopefully better. Thanks for dropping by and the likes. Til next time Cheers 👍😁
  5. I have had Citadel/Games Workshop paints for years, they are very good paints.
  6. That sounds exactly the same as my wife🤨, but as everyone I talk to mumbles, my hearing is fine😏😉
  7. That must have great but hard work? I'm a bit jealous
  8. That could be considered a benefit as well
  9. Now it looks like a ship hull again, nice work Mark It's good to see you back in the shipyard, although the trip over to the helicopter was good with some great stories and memories, thanks👍
  10. I use 2.75 readers for modelling work although for rigging knots I go up to 3.00
  11. Yep mid forties seems to be when yours eyes go, I realized I needed reading glasses when my arms were too short to hold the book far enough away for me to see the writing 🤓
  12. I can't wait to see this diorama, it's going to be fantastic!!!👍😃
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