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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. Very nice, detailing is super, methinks you do yourself an injustice 😊👏
  2. There you go again ! you're a glutton for punishment 🤣🤣🤪 have fun and stay safe
  3. Well you've got 3 to choose from🤣. Speedy is looking very nice btw. And it depends on what kits Chris brings out!!!!
  4. We're all ok though not seen my daughters or grandkids for over a week (apart from video calls). Hope everyone is doing well with you also. Stay safe and keep modelling 👍😊
  5. Sounds like you are getting on top of things now Lou 🙂. Reading what you're going through makes me realise how lucky I am that my kids have grown up and gone! Anyway keep your chin up and stay safe 👍😉
  6. welcome to MSW
  7. Welcome to MSW
  8. More time "playing " The sea blue has been slightly lightened and the final coat applied. Masking has been removed and it's not too bad with only a bit of bleed on the nose. I'll touch up the few bits tomorrow. Till then thanks for the likes. Cheers 😏👍
  9. Today I got some time on dauntless in between chores and fairing Winchelsea, so the intermediate blue got done then masked up to do the sea blue. At the time of the photos it still needs a couple more coats of sea blue. Thanks for dropping by and the likes everybody 😁😉 Cheers Looking at these photos I think I may have to lighten this blue?
  10. Trouble is I'm enjoying it, so there will be another plastic kit after the dauntless
  11. I know what you mean, these plastics guys tempt you in then never let you out!!😂😂
  12. Once again Phil you've gone over and above, the rigging on your guns is super. Keep at it! Stay safe
  13. Very nice so far Jack, it really IS very red isn't it? I'm liking it😀
  14. Your painting is fantastic OC, this spit's going to great.
  15. Thank you Craig, one more coat then mask up for the blues
  16. Thanks OC, it's all I've ever done, mainly 28mm figures though
  17. Thanks 😁👍 No all my painting is done with brushes as I don't have an airbrush...... yet!!!
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