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Everything posted by cog

  1. Take care of your health, moving can be a strain on anybody's health. Lovely progress on the boats, davits, and blocks
  2. depth as in shadow lines. I should elabortate: when you want to give depth to a structure on a flat surface, you can add it by giving shadows to it (like in a painting Rembrandt, Vermeer, etc all did it) You can also do it on a 3D model with a flat surface, by drawing dark lines on it, and spraying thin (semi) translucent layers of the colours which will in the end give the required colour on top, in this way you can add depth to a flat surface. However if you would first colour e.g. the hull, and add the darker lines afterwards, the shadow effect would be lost, as it would not have a natural shadow appearance. Instead of black, you could also use dark purple or dark (navy) blue, which is mostly used in water colour, gouache, and oil painting to set a shadow ...
  3. probably sanding and putty, or you must want to thin down the door ...actually, that wouldn't be a bad idea, a bit more realistic
  4. It does help the tapering, but it's not the way it's supposed to run. Did you have a look at the MSW article database, the one on planking ? Maybe an idea for your next hull ... however, you do have a tight fit on the planks which is important and gives it a smooth finish.
  5. HMS Hood as in plastic or card ... Did you have a look at NorthStarModels? For certain parts I shop there, bought anchors (resin) from them because neither the kit nor the upgrade set did have any good ones. Another interesting site is master-model.pl, l'arsenal, white ensign ... so many choises They do not all have full detail up sets, but are sometimes quite practical for parts. Maybe Fly Hawk has a good set for the Hood ...
  6. Can't imagine why ... She's a lot smaller than our dog, but they're all the same ... need to be near the boss Nice work on the hanger mate
  7. Lovely gifts Mike. I am certain your father will be thrilled to bits with such a pencil set. Great work on the case. I do, as druxey, look forward to seeing your case in all it's splendour
  8. It seems it is. maybe building at 1/200 has more advantages than we 1/350 builders think
  9. Dan, You only get one chance to correct them, and they shouldn't be bent to much, else they snap anyway, so be carefull ... I've already snapped "some" PE on my build, fortunately I have several spares ...
  10. Dan, When I started reading your reply I thought it a bit strange when you wrote: "Then the remaining air is sucked out and the liquid is forced into the pores of the wood. This works only for a solid piece of wood. If you put the model into a bag and evacuated the air, I think you would be in great danger of collapsing the model. " For only the air which is easily sucked out, will be removed, creating a pressure environment on the liquid, which implies you could put the model in a pressure tank and fill it with the stabalising liquid, and the model would not be subject to the wrecking forces of a vacuum sealed bag. Lukily you realised that: "Actually, the process for stabilizing an assembled model would use pressure, rather than vacuum." Which is the same method used with food - probably copied from the wood stabalising method ...(?) I do not think the submersion of the model would harm it in a pressure tank, but the time needed for the liquid to harden/dry may result in unwanted side effects (torsion, splitting), and what will the effect of the hardening liquid be on the joints and glues used. I do entirely agree when you wrote: "Please don't risk the terrific work that you are doing."
  11. I like your bending tools. Extensive set ... expensive probably ... Darn you have some tight shapes there ... beautiful
  12. Thanks mate, but I am aparently capable of making crooked what's straight By the way, shall I send you some test material for you to try it out Cheers
  13. Your railings look real beautiful. I hope to do them like yours one day. Even my straight ones are crooked ... very annoying ...
  14. Sometimes dry fitting helps I know it's a wee bit late, but try it. It helped me with some tricky bits on Musashi. Especially superstructures are a blast ... It's strange, though, that the other one doesn't need any correction ...
  15. That deck planking looks really beautiful. What I've seen so far in modeling skills the deck will not pose a problem. As long as you concentrate on doing it and take your time to do it right, Daria, you will succeed marvelously. When it goes wrong you can always blame your dad
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