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Everything posted by cog

  1. I often found that it is very hard to get across the intention of how you say something. The message is written and body language is not readable, the lack of intonation is a definite problem too. Besides these factors, at MSW we deal with quite a few people whom do not have English as a native language, some of which even use a translation site to be able to communicate here with us all, which I find very commendable, and which amongst other things makes this site such a great place to "hang out"
  2. Glad to have been of service, Gerhard. Sometimes a link is all it takes to help someone out ... Looks good ... maybe I will have a go at that build in the near future too. A bit like the Arno XI from Ferrari I've got stashed for later ...
  3. Nils, Not necessarily wasted ... if you buy another camera it might work. On the other hand, does your PC notice you inserted hardware? If not, you could try it on another one. Sometimes it suddenly works. I normally try my laptop, if it doesn't work, my windows (7) pc, else my linux PC/server. If it still doens't work, I'll have it exchanged. I presume you have some warranty on it ... mostly I work with the cable connection, much simpler, no problems with cards ... P.s. I love the railing, it's almost a sin to paint it ... beautiful work
  4. Nils, Check the specs for your camera. If it's an older model you may have a size limit on memory cards. Does your PC/laptop recognise it as a storage card?
  5. Do the redo-do ... you are right, it looks terrific, Nenad. If that's he result that magnifying glass gives you, yuo've raised the bar for yourself, and we will expect even more stunning workmanship from you
  6. Gerhard, Have a look here: http://www.westsystem.com/ss/babyface-nelson/ http://www.tallshipmodels.com/model-speed-boats/baby-bootlegger-model-speedboat-rum-runner-boat-model5.html or https://nl.pinterest.com/pin/506443920571800149/
  7. Mark, I think Greg is right, it seems more logical too to have a closed, tapered roofing with some (more) carving, instead of a flat roof, with a rail. In heavy seas the rail could be ripped off, giving the capt'n a rather unwelcome shower.
  8. Glenn, I wouldn't go near the glossy paints/varnishes. Satin is already to far, but you could ruff it up a bit. It will look to much like a model if glossy, and besides, if you are going to give her a bit of a weathered look, the glossy won't do anyway.
  9. Looking good, JesseLee. You seem to find a way to make the jig you need every time! Cheers
  10. Aydin, Instead of nailing you could use push pins, which hold the plank down, the only disadvantage is, you cannot put multiple planks on ...
  11. New job, Nenad ... Gold-/silversmith? Seems to me a nice extension for the fiddly work you are doing! Cheers
  12. I'm going to start a plastic kit with quite some PE parts. I do not see any problems with bending etc, but how can I prepare the finished (bent/shaped) PE parts for painting. Is it merely a matter of cleaning with vinegar, turpentine, alcohol or do I need to take other steps. I can't imagine me sanding those tiny items ...
  13. That's some stunning detail you pulled out of your tall hat, Bob. Very sharp details you managed to create with the brass ... magical ...
  14. I am a tad on the late side, but she is coming together beautifully. As Mark wrote: "A pity the metal work is over", although, I think a little bit will be left, maybe not so imposing as the engine and the propulsion ... I am looking forward to see your wood skills displayed on the remaining details of the Heroine ...
  15. Johann, You keep on amazing me/us. The sheaves ... at 2 x 0.45 mm ... increadible ..., I wouldn't think it possible ...
  16. Hello Aydin, Be careful with that wrist, for if you do not heed it, you might be bothered by it for a long time. Better take your time, even though I do miss the updates. I don't like soccer, besides the Dutch team made a mess of it as usual , you might aswell sit back and enjoy the competition ... take care Cheers
  17. You did it Nenad. The first two look good, the first twenty five as good as those initial one's
  18. JesseLee, Those are carronades!!! Just chuck that other flimsy stuff .... you are really doing your build proud ! Hope you're doing well yourself. Keep it up, better slow, than not at all ... Cheers
  19. Nenad, Even if you go from 4 to 3 mm - which is a lot at he scale you are building - you'll have them to close up to each other still with the 0.5mm wire ... You'll need to sink the wire deeper in the dead eye to, so only half or less shows ... or replace the wire with still thinner ... you could use, for instance, the copper wires from a network/telephone cable ... twist 2 or 3 together ...
  20. Patrick, Tile floors ... not a good idea, mate. But as you said: 'You build them strong down under'. I'm happy for you the damage is relatively small, and on the outside. Internal structural damage would be far more difficult to repair. I'm certain you'll put everything back in order, even with pain in your hart ... You've got the proper attitude, matey! Cheers
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