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Everything posted by cog

  1. Well, the deck furnishings ... momentous ... look forward to how you will arrange them for a nice and cosy area
  2. Beautiful work Matt ... the wood and the brass are so sharp in form ... Cheers
  3. JesseLee, I'm truely sorry to hear this about Keith, and can imagine the loss it means to/for you ... I do hope you won't follow in his footsteps with the Lyme disease ... I do hope he finds some peace of mind and quiet for his sake ... you're in my thoughts, be as well as can be!
  4. Kees, It's weird to get in touch with another Dutchman on a foreign site, conversing in English ... We used to go to Noordwijk aan Zee for summer holiday when I was young ...near Huis ter Duin (for the unfamilliar it's a hotel at the sea side - never had the pleasure staying there though) For 1.8 cm you've done (again) a splendid job on the puls reals ... You think you can match the quality of work from your father ... or surpass it even ... must be fun to share such a hobby ... Looking forward to your next update ... what tiny surprise you'll bring then ... Cheers
  5. Marvelous work on the mast, Dick. Wouldn't have thought of that method to be honest ... Cheers
  6. Jack, She's looking good ... any minor imperfections you can handle, I'm sure ... that bottom colour looks good to me, and when I saw Russ' his real life example ... no doubt you picked the right one ...
  7. As Mark already stated: Don't worry about dark and light. It comes down to the quality of the wood work, and as far as I can see that is high indeed!! MAsterful work, Mike Cheers
  8. Steven, I'm not up to date with the byzantian empire, but wouldn't the crew or soldiers belong to a house or group with an equal outfit like e.g. the romans ... that would explain the 'all the same' shields part ...
  9. Its amazing, Nenad. Seeing those images makes me want to go there, and see it for myself ... Beautiful!
  10. Maybe it will be overdue by that time ...? You are certain it hasn't got an expiry date ...? Wouldn't wanna waist nuttin' ...
  11. Howto build a ship's boat on a plug ... by Johann ... short and sweet. Another wonderful result, Johann ... breathtaking ... up to the other details ...
  12. Splendid detail, Druxey!! I've seen the dolphins on the real size sweeps, and when I see yours, at their size ... they are spot on ... Reading Jan's (Amateur) remark I had a better look. Those on the port side seem to swimming upside-down, is that correct? Is there a difference between port and starboard side sweeps when painted ... Cheers
  13. The finer arts of planking ... a masterclass by popeye ... also available on video? Looking very good, those last little pieces just finished it to perfection ... now the waiting is on for the postal service ... the need for patience is sometimes so frustrating ... Cheers
  14. That's a great suggestion, Jan ...!! C'mon Piet, let us share your burden ... we might save a few of those precious hairs ... Cheers
  15. Brass corroding ... You know, those bands wouldn't stand much time in mint condition anyway after being confronted with the salty sea air ...
  16. That doesn't look like a 'man cave' Jim ... not jet installed I presume ... a lot of other distractions but for the solar system ... It looks very promising! Don't speed up to much ... you might throuw them out of orbit ...! Cheers
  17. John, New programs require more up to date hardware - unfortunately- for often those need more speedy CPU and/or memory, and certain new hardware needs other newer hardware. I've had that problem several times. Sometimes you're just pushed into a new computer, even if your old one still suffices for general use. It's probably the best choice you made, for you might have been swapping one component after another, which - in the end - would have cost you a lot more (e.g. time spent, travell/postage, annoyance, ...) Looking forward to your next update!!
  18. Alan, Those whom decided on the type of sweep didn't give a rats hiney how much effort it took, or how much swing you'd have on those sweeps. Druxey, I quite agree to your view, although, it doesn't mean that on this hospital barge it would be the same. The chance it is, is rather likely
  19. Kees , Announcing the end ... not a bit premature ...? And you're changing faith it seems ... atleast when we can trust the rumours ... wood and cloth ... must be wrong ... Cheers
  20. Slow and easy Mario ... slow and easy ... you'll get there anyway, and more relaxed. Check yourself, in the end it's beter to measure twice and cut it at the right length so to say ... Cheers
  21. Hmmm, if I may be so bold ... I should advise spool knitting, it's easier ... doesn't require much dexterity, and two pins may be rather confusing to start with
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