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Posts posted by EricWilliamMarshall

  1. 3 hours ago, Edwardkenway said:

    I like your adapt and overcome solutions!

    Some days those are the only kind of solutions I seem to have! :) I’m looking forward to having the sage insight and skills that so many here seem to have. But I’m in no rush. I’m enjoying scenery so far.


    necessity is the mother of invention!

  2. As suggested by VTHokiEE and Art, there is a variety of options regarding the mast to deck intersection! I found round and square “boots” occurring in the few plans I could find. So, I going with the easier to cut square boot, which still has a chance to be historically correct (although I left that district a while ago). You may notice the square “boots” raised out of the way on the masts in the photos. I also have attempted to attach the masts (and shimmed like demon), hoping to correct my issues the drilled holes I mentioned earlier.





  3. 7 hours ago, Retired guy said:

    When drilling a hole like that you could drill one size smaller and then file to size it would save wood splitting.

    I started with pin vise with a 1/16” bit (1.6 mm) and then a larger and a larger. Then next to last I used a hand-cranked drill. And the last pass, with a cordless drill since the hand-cranked drill was pulling off target at slow speeds. The holes were undersized compared to the masts. And, yes, spent more time on this then should have, especially given the results.

  4. 10 hours ago, Jim Cricket said:

    You asked in an early post about books or references to Chesapeake working craft.

    Many, many thanks. I found a number of your suggestions on Amazon and now await there arrival!


    Jim, welcome to MSW! I assumed you were a old timer around here; I do hope you try your hand at build log. I’ve found the folks here downright supportive and knowledgeable - a great combo!

  5. I should have mentioned - the masts are just a dry fit. I’ll have to figure out a way to tweak the angles. I think can repair the decking. And now that folks mention it, perhaps I can ‘enhance’ that area of the ship. There is little bit of ‘furniture’ the goes around the mast for ropes and pins not shown. I’ll take a photo of that when next at the bench.


    VTHokiEE - I see what you mean (and nice work, I’m going to steal your scupper jig idea for my next builds!)


    Osmosis - beautiful work; the stand is a very nice addition to your model!


    As for my books, I didn’t find anything to draw on and, after a while, I let it be. The closest thing I found are either pilot boats or cutters from the early 1800s or schooners from later in the mid-1800s.  Neither being a clear match to steal from. The kit is meant to be simple and I’m not clever enough (yet) to work too much around that. (I did add a planked deck, rails, and bulwarks though.)  I clearly see some MSW builders can pull info from Steel or James Lee; I’m not there yet. ;) 


    Thanks for the help!


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