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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. Thanks Frank I do the same thing with your "Supply" build. Coming from a model railway point of view, I can appreciate the hard work you put in to weathering her so nicely. Andy
  2. I take it you have been there? I'm not the only one with the "speed log" thing going, at least it's getting things up and running again....even if it is a bit chaotic on the boards right now. I'm sure that when we've all got ourselves back to where we were, things will settle down.... I hope Andy
  3. And here we go... I don't know if this is the first log to officially post progress, as opposed to just playing catch up... (not that it really matters) I think the biggest hit for me was the loss all the old logs of completed builds. There was so much information out there to enable me to double or triple check how certain pieces went together. Up until this morning I felt like I was about forge on into the dark alone.. :mellow: ..but I see a couple other recovered Pegasus/Fly logs... which is not altogether discomforting. To keep it short, a brief summary of everything completed since the last photos. I've installed the gallows and pump handles. (I also made sure to install the blocks and eyebolts around the base of the main mast before hand so I don't have to dive in there later. Started work on the stantions around the ladders. Also have finished the gunport lids and channels. And while I was waiting for the paint to dry, I stropped all the deadeyes (just for something tedious to do ). I figure I'll work on the snaggly stuff from the inside out. So I have to go after a few eyebolts and get them installed, before I finish off the hammock cranes. The only unfortunate thing (as far as model building goes) is my company is sending me on a training course next week, in Newfoundland... and because of crappy weather, I'll be leaving tonight (ahead of the winter storm). And then the week after is the winter meeting in Montreal. I'll be around on occaision, but building will be on hold ... again... Andy
  4. So many new people following along.... Hamilton.. Who were you before the crash? I'm seeing a few people modifying their usernames (just to add to the confusion ) Joe and Adam: thanks so much for stopping by again. Sjors.. Call it Dutch stubbornness if you want... Far be it for a little thing like a server crash to keep us from forging on ahead Patrick: Egad no:P I was just referring to Anja's remark about following along with her IPad... Sherry, thanks for stopping by. I quietly followed your Mayflower log, you did a good job on her. What part of the province do you hail from? Anyway, I'll be taking some photos of my progress shortly, and will have a proper update soon after. Andy
  5. If you check, when I add you, it automatically adds me to you. There's no need to reciprocate. Good to see you back up and running. Any chance you saved any of your old photos? Andy
  6. Thanks everyone! Since I had all my photos at hand, it really didn't take very long to sort through and post the best ones (the ones I considered, anyway). If anyone has any questions regarding the build, or photos I didn't post, or whatever, don't hesitate to ask. The good news is that I should be posting a proper update tomorrow, which means I'll be going forward again. Andy
  7. It's always amazing how fast things go... the second time Andy
  8. Thanks Anja I would be here for many more hours if I tried to put up every single photo I've taken. Nothing will ever do justice to what has been lost, but just the same, we're all rebuilding together Hope to see some photos of your build soon too. Andy
  9. Part 7 should take us to just shy of the present time. I'll have to take a few more photos of my latest progress... whereupon I will try to resume my lost narative... or something.... Andy
  10. Part Six.. completion of the head timbers and fo'c'sle deck fittings. Installing the canons under the quarterdeck as well as the deck beams, followed closely by the quarter deck. Intallation of the rudder and tiller, more canons in the waist (fully rigged this time) and the figure head. Andy
  11. Part 5 Showing the installation of the frieze work, fo'c'sle deck, and head timbers Andy
  12. Part four shows my work in modifying the quarter badges to make them stand out a bit more, as well as work on the stern transome decoration Andy
  13. Part three starts at the completion of the inner bulwark planking, the paintwork on the ship sides and canons, and some of the hull coppering. Andy
  14. Part two starts off with attaching the stern counter pattern and carries on through the second planking, the main wales and the start of the inner bulwark planking Andy
  15. Well... this might take some doing... Although it's a shame to be starting all over again, at least the platform is still here. I don't remember a thing I wrote over the last 11 months or so, but I have all my photos. I'll cherry pick the best that illustrate my progress, avoinding the pointless ones....(I hope ) So this first post should go from the completion of the frame to the completion of the first planking. I'll keep the blah-blah short so if there are any questiong, just let me know... Andy
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