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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Thank you very much Richard and Denis, for your kind comments.... also thanks to all the "likes".. Richard, welcome aboard and to the log, am pleased you like it... Denis, you`re right, quite a bit of imagination involved..., but that is the spice in the soup I think, thanks for your nice words..
  2. Update : made the balustrade with bell-arch for the quarter deck and dry-fitted the stairs...., The spill on the forward gun deck will fit under the ships boat mounting... Nils
  3. Update : sunday morning my wife and I went over a flea-market in Hamburg, not looking for anything special....... The little ball shaped (openable) only 15 mm diam. brass casing with the filigrane moorish decore came to my eye, and I thought that would be a nice aft lantern for the chebec, so I soldered a shaft on to it for mounting...., it only requires an oil-lamp inside The horizontal wooden spill with clink found on Ebay will be mounted to take on the anchor cables, it is basicly from Aeronaut Art. 5804 /05 but bashed /modified to suit my needs as shown.... Nils
  4. Hi Patrick, a very nice new year I`m wishing youand your family too, thanks for looking in and for your nice words.... Nils
  5. Update : fitting the decore rings around the gunports. The port side remains closed to the sea with decore shield plugs. All oarports will have hinged, small doorlets, the port ones closed and the stb. ones open, because of the sweeps in place.... The wales have been painted dull black, the mermaid decore in golden color.... Nils the center of these butons will be cut away with a jig saw....., and remaining deburs faired carefully with a diamond file.. the rings and the lion decore are made from buttons for clothes For the gold paint I`m using a Swedish product, Panduro, its a waterbased acryllic gloss coat, which gives far better results than the former used Humbrol gold enamel the plug shields have a shoulder, whick lays against the inner bulwark planking. The spacing here had to be quite exact, in order to get everything in its place
  6. Wow, Eugene, very nice model ! will the intended kit really provide all the bits and sub assembly parts to build the cutter as you are demonstrationg here, How about the sails ? Nils
  7. Sam, I wish you all the best with that beautiful barge model, an enjoyable keellaying party, and I`m looking forward to your next log sequences... Nils
  8. Moxis, Thanks for your words.... I am sourcing the kits for the gratings from the RB Model webshop. They come in different sizes and mesh distances (this gives some variation for better scale trueness) After the parts are carefuly and crosswise sticked together to a "grating plate", I dip and submerge the assembly in diluted white wood glue and let cure over night. Next day carefuly sand with a fine grit sandpaper in direction 90° to the longitudinal vanes. (caution, if you do the direction wrong, you may break out some of the tiny mesh conections). From the "plate" I cut out the individual sizes I need, carefuly with a jigsaw and fair the edges flush from the remaining mesh fringes. It worked well so far. Nils
  9. Hi Moxis, very nice progress to be seen .... For spheric curvature I use thin 0,8 mm ply, which to a certain degree is able to take the bend in both directions and also a light weight construction (did this on the decks of my chebec as well) If you plank it afterwards, you`ll get the final thickness and the required strength. I`m sure that the late member, "Captainbob" would have also loved your beautiful model, he was just scratch building the Swedish lake steamer "Mariefred" when he passed away last year Nils
  10. Update have been producing sweeps, from bamboo rods, need 9 ea. per side Nils bunch of 5mm diam. bamboo rods (sticks for supporting flowers), out of the gardening dept. of the local crafter raw shaping..... six done, 3 in progress, Then come the other 9 that go to the sweep racks on the outer side of the higher quarter deck
  11. I like your companionway with doors and slide cover G.L. What have you been using for the resembled dark caulking lines on deck, are those black card stipes ? Nils
  12. Jack, interesting build, nice and clean assembled, well done.... also the ships boats are lovely Nils
  13. Many thanks Piet, in case you may be interested, and not looking only for a kit,...... I saw they also have a plan of one or two Zuiderzee-botters on that Dutch site, perhaps you know it already... http://www.modelbouwtekeningen.nl/nvm-1003003a-zuiderzee-botter.html For the Chebec sweeps I believe they were relatively heavy indeed, as they needed to withstand best possible propulsion, when the crew navigated the ship swiftly into resp. out of battle range in calm seas, and the larger squarerigger vessels usualy had much more fire power Nils
  14. Wunderbare Arbeit Hartmut ! awesome Statenjacht model. lovely passengers, resp. crew.... Nils
  15. Thank you for that special input Antony, much appreciated, very interesting read, and the red sail equiped Chebec (out of the first enclosed link) I know already from the web it is showing many insperational details in the pic gallery Nils
  16. Hi Antony, Thanks very much, I`m also very curious already, and will be looking forward to your comments on the plan set in due time.... Nils
  17. Hi Antony, The oarholes in the bulwark are large enough to slip the blade through, but unfortunately I ca`nt tell if perhaps two men were necessary to operate the sweep... the sweep is a bit counter balanced by the solid square section part. Would appreciate if anyone of the fellow builders would be able to answer that more precisely... For building the junk I have`nt ordered from that source yet. I presume that they are trustworthy, have`nt found anything negative about that site to date. Yes, the price is quite an investion to face, but I hope its worth it, as I found no such alternative yet.... Nils
  18. Update :... made a trial 143 mm long (upfront) 1:48 sweep from bamboo wood, in order to determine size and length as well as position in the bulwark, where all the oar ports meanwhile had been cut into... Nils there are 9 sweep ports on each side... the pivot point is the bulwark itself, whereby the inside rail supports for hight and angle, when the blade is submerged hight of the tin figure is 35 mm its all from one piece of bamboo rod the thin black serving line coil protects the pivot bearing point in the bulwark...
  19. Happy new year Nenad, nice to see you posting again...., lovely little clinkered gig Nils
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