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Everything posted by edmay

  1. Hello Kevin from Somerset, Many thanks for the movies,helps to put reseach in perspective,very enjoyable and interesting,Edwin ex Liverpool.
  2. good day to you jarero,nice hull shaping job and neat patch work,im interested in paddlesteamers and would like to follow your blog,your wife is right ,patch to the wall,have a great day,Edwin
  3. Hello Mick,your moving along really fast,the walls look great,neat work.Edwin
  4. Good day,excellent planking job,clean,neat and a smart planking method using pins and mini blocks, looking forward to more learning technics.thanks for the good clear photo"s,Edwin
  5. Hi Mick,A nice neat start to your model( doing king of the mississipi) up to top rails. will try to learn how to post photo"s,Edwin
  6. Hi Robbyn,wife and I watch your interesting blog from afar, Canada , often amusing,lots of tips and ideas,your build looks really great,a good modeler for sure.your school kids must be well taught(lucky to have you).thanks for info on Lee Valley project wood. With your great attitude you may want to start a sidebar,ie modeling safety equipment,steel gloves to mid arm,steel capped work boots,easy release velcro aprons ,modelers first aid kit etc,(a little English humour) Joking aside,a great job on your model,thanks for the time you put into the blog.working on the endeaver,king of the mississipi. prayers and thoughts to those in West and Boston,Edwin
  7. well Vince,thank you for the teaching you gave me,learning so much from so far,I"m truly gratefull.How can you top the sos,have you decided on your build.Ed(inspiring)
  8. good day sir, brilliant workmanship, following with awe, Edwin
  9. Hi Bob, Im relatively new to msw, your blog is very informative,ie jigs, methods used,explanations,a neat and tidy quaility build ,inspiring.will follow,thanks for the tips,Edwin
  10. hello Beef Wellington,reading,digesting your excellent blog wih a Newcastle ale in hand(liverpudlian living on Vancouver Island, Canada(ex army),your build is very neat,clean,a very good modeler to be sure. Following your blog with interest. Ex chef, a good rare beef wellington is hard to find unless you make your own,cheers Edwin
  11. Hi Vince,foot ropes or no foot ropes,a work of art it is,having a good cup of tea and reading and learning from your blog,also the tools etc that you use makes a pleasant evening, I thank you sir for your time and effort,have a nice weekend,Edwin
  12. Hello Denis,Wife is home and gaining strength daily(thanks for your thoughts) the sos is very museum quaility ,well done, Ed
  13. Hi Lars,You are doing a great job without scale plans,I also have this kit and have been told the scale plans are now 9 sheets instead of 15, been told they are in the mail from supplier, its only taken a year so far.I will also use the planking way as you have. your info will be very helpful as I follow your blog.thanks Ed
  14. hello vince,been following your blog in awe,you and denis are truly masters,I have an sos from 15 yrs ago and now have the time,god willing,thanks for the teaching"s,Ed
  15. Hi all,what a site,better than going to the movies. one can sea a masterly built ship coming over the horizon,thanks for the entertainment. will follow your blog with great interest,(starting right usually ends up right),I think you will become a good teacher to us novices. well done, Ed. ps,have also ordered a case of popcorn.
  16. Hi Vince,very neat work,a work of art to be sure,I have had this model for about 14 years,now retired trying to decide what colors to use, there are several blogs on the sos,I would like to follow yours, picture relationship(photo's) is a good research tool which I find very encouraging,thanks for the pictures.Q,. what kind of glue are you using for the ornamentation, Ed
  17. Hi denis,been at the hospital with wife (getting better slowly), catching up on your blog, as usual a first class (bravo)effort, hard to beat them All Blacks(rugby),have not started mine as yet, mulling over color etc,want to do a good job. Another interesting aspect of researching members blogs is what tools,work benches are being used,ie lego, clothes pegs,clamps, various adhesives ,and so on,a great learning tool in itself. keep up the good work .Ed
  18. hi philo,A good attitude is part of learning ,keep it up. would like to suggest putting the planking pins into the bulkheads rather than the planks,using the collar of the pin to hold the plank down to dry, it would prevent cracking and you would not have to fill holes. Ed
  19. hi Denis,you should fly over the big pond and give a demonstration on shipbuilding to local clubs ,of course you would have to use my Sos, like someone said previous, give yourself more credit,well done .Ed
  20. Hi Denis, you certainly have a gift at model building that a lot of us modelers envy,a master to be sure,Ed
  21. Hi Denis,your color scheme is brilliant,workmanship outstanding,a very helpfull blog,you gave me a new view off my Sos,had for 15 years(resturant busy),a liverpool man and did research missed flag(am shamed),well done great work.Ed In the dockyard,endeaver,niagara,king of the mississpi, In waiting Sos,robert e lee, looking to buy some time
  22. hi Denis,an old timer once said "starting right usually ends up right",SoS will be challenging,but gratifying,will follow your blog with interest,Ed
  23. Hi John,after years of absence my ship modeling gene has resurfaced, nearly completed same kit,your decking pattern is superb,very neat work,you gave me some ideas already. keep up the good work, will follow with interest. my first comment on MSW, abit long winded,Ed
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