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English Rebel

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Everything posted by English Rebel

  1. Alex I just finished reading your build log and all I can say is - was für ein unglaubliches Modell. The amount of detail that you put into things that will never be seen is just amazing. I can't believe that you made mortise and tenon joints for a panel when most people would just glue the pieces together. Your stove is a work of art. Thanks for sharing this journey with us and I look forward to watching you complete it. Alan PS. I have a very good friend who owns a machine manufacturing company not too far south of you in Ettlingen. I have visited his company many times in the course of my business and the last time he lent me his BMW M3 Touring for my wife and I to tour the Black Forest area and Neuschwanstein Castle.
  2. I forgot to compliment you on all of the adornments that you made. I can't comprehend why they would add so many carvings on what is a man of war fighting ship. Alan Zapomněl jsem tě pochválit za všechna ta ozdoba, kterou jsi udělal. Nechápu, proč by přidali tolik řezbářství na to, co je válečným mužem. Alan
  3. Doris I happened to see your post to another thread and saw that you were building a ship out of card, so I had to follow your thread. Your are indeed a master craftswomen and your skill and attention to detail is, in my opinion, second to none. Congratulations on an epic build. I had the pleasure if visiting the beautiful city of Prague one time. I was living in England and working in Warsaw in the mid-ninties. I was flying Lot Airlines from London to Warsaw and on final approach the captain told us, without explanation, that we were going to Prague. I didn't care what the reason was as I thoroughly enjoyed my one day and one night there. I was sorry that it wasn't longer. Alan Hope the translation is okay. Doris Náhodou jsem viděl váš příspěvek do jiného vlákna a viděl jsem, že stavíte loď z karty, takže jsem musel sledovat vaše vlákno. Jste skutečně mistrovskými řemeslníky a vaše dovednost a pozornost k detailům jsou podle mého názoru na špičkové úrovni. Gratulujeme k epické stavbě. Měl jsem to potěšení, když jsem jednou navštívil krásné město Praha. Bydlel jsem v Anglii a pracoval jsem ve Varšavě v polovině devadesátých let. Letěl jsem Lot Airlines z Londýna do Varšavy a při posledním přístupu nám kapitán bez vysvětlení řekl, že jdeme do Prahy. Nezajímalo mě, proč to bylo, protože jsem si tu jeden den a jednu noc opravdu užil. Bylo mi líto, že to nebylo déle. Alan PS. Doufám, že vaši ptáci nepoužívají lodní stožáry na okouna. lol
  4. Just because yours is bigger than mine, don't mean that your better. Sorry - just had to. lol Alan
  5. Just got up to date and I'm very impressed, not only in your craftsmanship, but in your attention to detail. Making all those cannons was a massive undertaking but your efforts paid off. Thanks for sharing. Alan
  6. Wow, I haven't seen a vernier height gauge since my engineering apprenticeship back in England sixty odd years ago. I used it to mark a steel die-making template covered in engineers blue. I'm going to be following this interesting and quite large build. Alan
  7. I just read this build all the way through and as a retired mechanical engineer and user of AutCAD for many years I am very impressed by your ingenuity and skill in designing, sourcing components, making and aging the myriad of fittings on the boat that makes this boat look truly authentic. Great job. Alan
  8. My hats off to you sir, you are one master model builder. To tackle this from scratch is an epic adventure. Alan
  9. James I have this kit and when I've finished my Chris Craft Runabout, I'm going to start on it. I have the Amati nailer and I see that you used it to nail all the planks to the frames but didn't see any in the finished job. How did you remove those nails and what size did you use? Also, you said that you faired the frames in readiness for planking. Since you already tapered the bow frames with your Dremel, what other sanding did you need to do? Thanks Alan
  10. Ken I just read through this entire build and all I can say is STUNNING. Your attention to detail is amazing and that rigging is awesome. I love model ships with their sails furled and yours looks amazing. Well done sir. Alan
  11. Okay, got it. I think Chris was the one who built the first one so he could compile the instructions and provide a finished model for the photo on the box. If his instructions are anything like the ones for the Fifie, it will be an easy build. One of the reasons why I purchased it, is because of the review that was posted on this website. Alan
  12. Thanks. I was asking to see which one would be easier to build seeing as though the Chris Craft is the first boat I will build that has hull planking. Alan
  13. This kit was on sale at Garrett Wade so I snapped it up. But first, a few shots of my now almost bare woodworking shop. It used to be filled with a table saw, bandsaw, planer, jointer all connected to a central dust collection system. Up until seven or eight years ago, I used to build furniture and clocks and other projects, but as I got older I decided to hang up my apron. Now I'm back where I was when I was a kid—building model boats. Enjoy Alan This is the first thing I built—a much needed workbench. I setup a caddy to house all of my clamps and glue and tools. BTW those clamps are junk. The plastic tips keep coming off. Here's the Chris Craft with all the frames and keel glued up. It was tricky to get everything aligned properly. I don't much care for the material the frames are made from (balsa ply?). The instructions said to just glue the frames to the underside of the deck, but I found additional bracing was required. Another kit awaiting my attention. I didn't realize that this was designed by Chris Watton. I haven't decided whether to build this one after the Chris Craft, or Zulu, 'Lady Isabella' any thoughts??
  14. Chuck Just read this build. Your model-making talents are amazing, as is your incredible attention to detail. Well done. Alan
  15. I just ordered the basic kit - no sails. I'm working on my Chris Craft right now (my first ship build since I was a kid) and have the Amati Scottish Fifie kit on hand with the Altsu Mendi Basque tug boat stuck in Sydney for two weeks now, so this might be moved up the build list to #2. Alan
  16. Super job. Love all the extra details that you added to make it as authentic as possible. The lighting is a very nice touch. Love the red and green sailing lights. Alan
  17. Chris Does the basic kit include all of the rigging (I know the sales are extra)? Thanks Alan
  18. Great looking boat. I am working on my Chris Craft right now and two other kits waiting, so this might be #4. I'm interested to see how much the kit will be. Alan
  19. I don't know if you can get it where you live, but Frog tape is the best one to use as there is no bleed through whatsoever and it leave a crisp sharp line. https://www.frogtape.com
  20. Just read your build and I must say you are very resourceful. Good work. Alan
  21. I just finished reading all of this incredible build. Kudos to you Chuck for a wonderfully detailed build notes. Alan
  22. Chuck I'm just starting to read this build. I assume that you have your own laser cutting two axis machine and that you design the parts in a CAD program then use that to program the machine. I'm wondering how you program the machine to make the markings. I apologize for the technical questions, but I'm a retired engineer and you know how engineers are - they just have to know the details. Alan Alan
  23. Thanks for all the warm welcomes. Alan
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