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Everything posted by AnobiumPunctatum

  1. I do not know the English version, but the German version is in my opinion one of the best books about this theme.
  2. Really interesting project. I know the book and used it many years ago during my build of the Revell kit. I wish you a lot of fun during your journey and will follow with great interest. Are you sure that you have enough meet on the upper parts of your frames? It seems that they are to thin for the necessary curves.
  3. In my opinion the framing design changed in 1775 - 1776. You will find similiary changes also in other classes, for example the Swan class sloops. I think that Portland has the conventional framing pattern with double and single frames. For Bristol I don't know but had the same thoughts as you.
  4. Welcome to ModelShipWorld from the really western part of the Ruhrgebiet.
  5. Hello Chuck, on the last pictures it seems that the planks and the wales have the same thickness. Do you put a second layer on the wales or have I missunderstood something in your description? I love how accurate you do the planking job.
  6. Congratulations for finishing this beautyful model and for reaching the awards. I only know the Le Rochefort and the Hayling Hoy, which David Antscherl has reconstructed as other examples of harbour vessels.
  7. Congratulation for finishing this wonderful section model.It made a lot of fun to follow your build log
  8. Definitly not. But to learn from Chuck and some other producers can help to make it possible or much easier to build the ship you like to have.
  9. Your model is a dream. A model of one of of the most famous ships in her original (as far as we know today) appearance.
  10. Congrats for reaching this milestone during your design and build proces. I like the innovative ideas you share with us and your hull is looking amazing.
  11. Hi Tim, this was my first try. I used the Design and not the As-Built drawings. I was not really happy with the result and could not solve the points I did not like. Last year I started with a new reconsrtuction following the as-built drawings of Rattlesnake. In this I have solved the problems of my old design. If you find the old design helpful, feel free to use it.
  12. Hi Tim, I finished my reconstruction of the as-built and a possible frame design in January. I know that there is the AotS of the Alert but I was not happy with the reconstruction given by Goodwin. Now I am busy with preparing my build. If you have later questions please let me know.
  13. If you want to build Alert or Rattlesnake "As designed" the drawing is fine. Be aware that there some differences between the design drawing you can buy at the NMM and the copy in the Danish archive. In my opion it is a result of the manual work. If you want to build her as-built, you have to buy the as built drawing from the RMG.
  14. That's good to know. I like to change from Windows to Mac in the future. I have bothe original design drawings for the Alert cutter at home. Also there are some bigger differences. The drawings were handmade and each copy will show other difference. Here you are comparing an old drawing and a modern reconstruction. In this cases I would alway go with the old drawing, if this is possible.
  15. Congratulation for finishing your Swan class. She‘s looking really beautyful
  16. Hi Vahur, as I am in my appartement not have the possiblity to mill my own wood, I am really happy that you do the job for me and offer these special timbers. It's me a pleasure to work with you and those timbers.
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