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Everything posted by AnobiumPunctatum

  1. Really wonderful Evan. If I ever will build my kit, I will use your build as guidline.
  2. It depends on the set of drawings you got from the NMM. I have an old copy which has some discrepances to the MSW design of all double framws. Last year I bought a new color copy of the as built drawing at the NMM. This drawing fits really well with the MSW drawings For a "single frame build" you have to draw all cant frames by yourselve. These won't work with the original ship. For the midship frames I think it's possible to use the MSW drawings. At which frame it makes sense to draw new frames I can't say in the moment. Last weekend I started with redrawing the lines. Then I will check which frames I need to redraw to build the model as I dream from the beginning of the community project. I don't know how much time I need but I hope that I have the first results until the end of the year.
  3. Jonny, welcome on the Triton shipyard. Have a lot of fun with your build
  4. Moin Jürgen, that's a big surprise. I am really happy that you continue your build. Will we meet next week at the exhibition in Wilnsodrf?
  5. Your frameing is looking really good. Congrats for reaching this milestone.
  6. Welcome to the Triton shipyard. Your start is looking really good.
  7. @Chris If not, perhaps it is possible to publish your drawings. The Prince is allways a very fine ship to build a model.
  8. @dgbot I know the model of Mr. Cole. He published his model on a website. @Ed Thanks very much for your description. I will give it a try before I made my decision. I made some other tests but these don't work very well, so I am trying and learning in the moment. The rabbet of this small vessel is really challenging and I don't want to break anothe backbone.
  9. Alan, my condolences for your loss. It's a nice idea to build the model in memory for him.
  10. Mark, that looks like a promising start. I wish you all the best for your second attempt
  11. I'll follow your log with great interest. I find this little boat very interesting. Thank's for the book hints. I hope that I can find some in Germany
  12. Dan, I don't know, what I can write what was not written before? It's a fantastic build and build log with lots of tips. Thanks very much
  13. Ed, thanks for the info. It's a completely different model and that is what I like
  14. Congrats for reaching this milestone, Ed. Your hull is looking very impressive. Do you think of publishing your drawings later?
  15. No pictures this weekend. Yesterday I tried to cut the rabbet but I am not really happy with the result. There are two main problems. The keel has over the whole length a curve wgich is quite difficult to cut precise. The second problem is the prepared rising wood with the notches for the frames. At this smaller parts the timber will bunk. So I decided to build another backbone for my small cutter and try the rabbet again. I am thinking of only cutting the loer half of the rabbet at the midshipframes. During fairng the completed hull I am thinking of doing the upper half of the rabbet. Has anyone did a rabbet this way? I hope that the changes I made in my design will help me to get a better result. If not, I will decide which of the finished keels looks better and use this for the rest of my build.
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