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Everything posted by AnobiumPunctatum

  1. Thanks for this great build log. I'm interested to see what is comeing next.
  2. Really wonderful, Dan. I like the combination of the choosen timbers. Is it box and holly?
  3. This looks like a very interesting kit and a very good base to do a model of this famous ship in her appearance during the American Wars of Revolution.
  4. You have to attach the deadwood and stern before you start with the frameing. The transoms were positioned at the inner post.
  5. Guy, be aware, that the examples are from a Swan Class Sloop. The deadwood for your HMS Triton looks different and has different sizes. If you need help, don't hesitate to ask. I post some info in Larry's build log. He uses the three layer method.
  6. Richard, I advise the TFFM-series from David Antscherl, especially the volumes 1 + 2 for building HMS Triton. Another very good source is Dan's build log about his HMS Vulture. It's another ship but the steps in building the models are similiar.
  7. Your Kingfisher is just beautyful. Can you post some bigger pictures? I would like to see a lot more details.
  8. Larry, the problem with your deadwood is, that you did not made the core part thin enough. After glueing the outer layers on it, it should not be visible. If you put a plank on the stern post and after deadwood, there are some space on your model which should not be there. Don't worry I need several trys until I got these parts right. I hope you can see on the picture what I mean.
  9. Mark, have you thought of planking the upper deck only partially?
  10. Robert, it's allways fascinating to see, what you do with bones. Your boat is a masterpiece.
  11. That's a lot of work, but if you see the reslt of the treenailing I think you will be more than happy.
  12. The choosen timber looks really intersting. I've never heard before of it.
  13. Bob, I would suggest to glue the thicker planks for the deck beams and so on first. So you can easier avoid culmulative errors by the planking job. I start the planking exakt in the same way and had the prob with these errors.
  14. Mark, is there not a big risk to damage the gratings and other openings?
  15. Guy, I don't know. It's a decision of the board admirality, if they like to offer a second set of drawings. I don't know in the moment if I can use the square frames of the community build. But this is my intention. Than I only have to change the cant frames. The second reason is that I need a lot of time for the drawings. In the moment I have started the build of HMS Fly and I like to complete her before I start with the build this beautyful frigate.
  16. Larry, can you show me please a picture from the side? It looks that you have sanded to much at the top. and that there is the inner layer visible.
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