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Everything posted by AnobiumPunctatum

  1. Hi Tim, this was my first try. I used the Design and not the As-Built drawings. I was not really happy with the result and could not solve the points I did not like. Last year I started with a new reconsrtuction following the as-built drawings of Rattlesnake. In this I have solved the problems of my old design. If you find the old design helpful, feel free to use it.
  2. Hi Tim, I finished my reconstruction of the as-built and a possible frame design in January. I know that there is the AotS of the Alert but I was not happy with the reconstruction given by Goodwin. Now I am busy with preparing my build. If you have later questions please let me know.
  3. If you want to build Alert or Rattlesnake "As designed" the drawing is fine. Be aware that there some differences between the design drawing you can buy at the NMM and the copy in the Danish archive. In my opion it is a result of the manual work. If you want to build her as-built, you have to buy the as built drawing from the RMG.
  4. That's good to know. I like to change from Windows to Mac in the future. I have bothe original design drawings for the Alert cutter at home. Also there are some bigger differences. The drawings were handmade and each copy will show other difference. Here you are comparing an old drawing and a modern reconstruction. In this cases I would alway go with the old drawing, if this is possible.
  5. Congratulation for finishing your Swan class. She‘s looking really beautyful
  6. Hi Vahur, as I am in my appartement not have the possiblity to mill my own wood, I am really happy that you do the job for me and offer these special timbers. It's me a pleasure to work with you and those timbers.
  7. I will follow with great interest. I bought last year also a fully set of the drawings, to plan also a build a model of this beautyful ship
  8. This weekend I received the second part of a bigger timber order. I am really happy with the delivery. Especially the Holly is looking really good. This gives a nice contrast to my yellow cedar and boxwood. Highly recommended!
  9. Merry christmas and a happy new year also to you. In the news I saw yesterday the deep frozen pictures of the US. I hope that ca you can celebrate christmas with your familie.
  10. Really wonderful and the best advertising for the books and Chucks new "kit"
  11. As soon as I will start with my Sloop Fly, I will use your log as further guide for my model. It is a really useful add on to the wonderful books from David and Greg.
  12. Unlike building guns, I find building frames meditative and relaxing. It's looking really good.
  13. It looks excellent. You make it really hard for me to stay true to my resolutions.
  14. This is a really interesting way to build the deadwoods, which I have not seen before.
  15. Yesterday I had the opportunity to watch the video of the online course. Afterwards I tried to represent a 2D reconstruction, which I have done in Autocad 2014, with Rhino. Enclosed is a screenshot of my first attempt. Next I have to extend the stern accordingly. Many thanks to @Richard Dunn for his cursus, which was a big help for me to go my first steps with Rhino 7.
  16. I have both woods in my stash. Boxwood is harder than yellow cedar. Bother timber you can combine with holy and a light colord pear. I think it is a personal decision which timber you use. As Chuck has to have a look at the costs of the parts/model he offers, his choice is excellent. I like to work with both timbers.
  17. Chuck, as I wrote earlier I wish you a lot of fun and success with the project. I took directly an abo to your build log. I found inyour first post a very good idea, which helps me a lot by the design of a really old project of mine. Thanks for sharing your idea and drawing.
  18. Absolut fantastic. Hoy do you paint the friezes? They look really realistic especially in the small scale
  19. Congratulations for finishing this wonderful model, Toni
  20. Hi Kris, sorry to hear all this. If you need help to use your drawings in another more common format, I can help you converting your Rhino files.
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