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Everything posted by BANYAN

  1. Hi folks, does anyone know if Donna has returned to the business yet? I have tried contacting her several times (two different email addresses) but have not heard anything back. Grieving can take a while to come to grips with, and I fully understand if she has decided not to return yet - simply asking. I do not wish to pester her with emails until she is comfortable. cheers Pat
  2. Eberhard, I think a lot of this can be deduced from the various issues of the 'rules' from Trinity house. cheers Pat
  3. Folks, there may be a bit of a mix of terminology being used here? If not, apologies in advance. As most of you know I am researching the rigging for HMCSS Victoria (1855) which may help shed some light on the question. Victoria's Specification, and her Rigging Warrant, both mention wire rope vertical jackstays (separate to the shrouds). As far as I can establish, the vertical jackstays (also sometimes referred to as horses I think) were (in Victoria at least) used to lace the leech of the storm sails. In Victoria, the fore, main and mizen (driver) fore-and-aft sails used traversing hoops. I have read that the jackstays were also used in some ships to lace the leech of all fore-and-aft sails rather than using hoops. From what I have found so far (and I would still welcome further info about the subject) is that these were either rope (early versions), wire rope or even iron rod (later ships). I have not established how they were secured on their upper and lower ends. In Victoria, I think these were only rigged when the storm sails were bent on. As such the vertical jackstays did not have footropes. While Paul is referring to the shrouds, vertical jackstays may also have been used in Flying Fish which may be the cause for the mix of terminology - @paul ron do your rigging/belaying plans also refer to vertical jackstays? cheers Pat
  4. I'm with Roger; I prefer the use of fine pointed irons, but in my case I use resistance soldering. WRT silver solder (the item not the technique) I use products that are for different melting points with no issue. However, as some have pointed out/suggested, these may not be true silver solders but rather solder with silver rather than tin content. Either way and pedantics aside, I find them much stronger than normal soders, and the differing melting points in conjunctioon with the ability to dial up or down the level of resistance (heat), I find I can deal with very small parts effectively. cheers Pat
  5. Wonderful work Eberhard; a stunning micro-model. I have enjoyed following this build tremendously. cheers Pat
  6. Hi Keith, I may need a reminder, but I had to research this a little for the Victoria also. If I remember, I will send you something by PM next week as I am up to my neck in alligators at the moment and away for the long weekend. Basically, there were some Rules and Regs introduced by Trinity House (London) in and around the mid-19th century WRT to safety, including lighting in steam-powered ships. Whether, the US ships adopted these I do not know. Effectively from about 1858 (I think) steam-powered vessels were required to show various lights at night and in poor visibility - basically the forerunner of today's colregs. Initially, I believe these were simple light boards or just lanterns hoisted into the mast tops, or lashed to the shrouds. cheers Pat
  7. You're well and truly making up for the 'no dust' in earnest now Keith. That hull looks 'speedy' - very nice lines. cheers Pat
  8. Your build continues to astound and provides an interesting log to follow. Thanks Pat
  9. Nice shots John, really shows off the fine work you have done in the framing. cheers Pat
  10. Won't take long; he already shows an air of concentration. A very handsome young chap! cheers Pat
  11. They all look like this at some stage of our builds Rob; looks fine to me.. cheers Pat
  12. Your problem solving skills and associated jigs are a great benefit to us all Keith; a very nice recovery job. cheers Pat
  13. Nice work Greg. Those figures bring the Bridge to life, a great inclusion. cheers Pat
  14. And a very useful one. I wonder how well that rope sets? It look like it would not unravel at all. cheers Pat
  15. Hi from Melbourne Alex. Welcome aboard and let me also say what a beautiful model you are building. I am also interested in ships of this era so will follow you build with some interest. cheers Pat
  16. Ditto Rick's comments; that ocean looks great even before you planned additional work Rob. cheers Pat
  17. Great news Keith, I am happy to hear of Maggie's recovery; that will also be a great weight off your mind. cheers Pat
  18. Very nice work and level of detail in those 3D printed funnels Greg. Looks really nice. cheers Pat
  19. Those laser cut 'ironwork' pieces look very authentic Chuck, that is so nicely done. cheers Pat
  20. She is looking great, very nicely presented Ian. cheers Pat
  21. I agree Greg. I am sure the old salts also had some apprehension with the introduction of plastic kits, or manufactured brass parts? cheers Pat
  22. Sorry to hear this news Keith; my thoughts are with you. I hope Maggie has a full recovery. cheers Pat
  23. Nice prints Jerry; I may have missed this, but what material are you using (resin/filament)? cheers Pat
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