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Everything posted by BANYAN

  1. Hi Steve, in this instance I think the AOTS may be correct (WRT topgallant shrouds). According to Lees (page 61 under the topic of Topgallant and Royal masts - Shrouds) the practice of leading the tail end of the shroud down to the top to be secured to the eye or an eyebolt did not come into vouge until the early 19th century. I am still trying to determine how the Main stay was secured - collar around the bowsprit or eyebolt. I have experimented with both and have temporarily used an eyebolt but in a slightly different position. I am leaning towards the collar also but intend to do a search of the NMM models contemporary to that era and see what is done. Get back to you when I have completed that. I am currently trying to determine whether the leading topgallant mast shroud leg was served similar to lower mast shrouds - any ideas? cheers Pat
  2. Coming along very nicely indeed Mark - she looks good with her skirts being added Laser cutter? Now that is getting radical cheers Pat
  3. That's a very good idea mate - thanks for passing on this effective method from Greg. cheers Pat
  4. John, she is building into a very well executed and great looking model. I love the privet for the decks as they have that worn/used look! cheers Pat
  5. Very nice model Greg, she has turned out a treat. A great testament to your persistence and skills. cheers Pat
  6. That looks really good Mike! Hopefully, I will be able to get back to my build soon (recuperating post-surgery on my neck at the moment). cheers Pat
  7. You're making good progress Steve; looks good. I can't wait to get back to mine after this op. cheers Pat
  8. That's a good recovery job Danny - Pud must have a short life expectancy as that a few lives expended on this build alone (kidding of course - I hope you have many happy years with Pud and the Vulture!) cheers Pat
  9. Coming along really nicely John. Can't wait to get back to mine t now the op is over - have to wait a few more weeks cheers Pat
  10. You have such a terrible lifestyle mate; you should be back here on the east coast shivering with the rest of us jealous beggers That is certainly a beautiful part of the world. cheers Pat
  11. Mate you need to take the 'kitty litter' ballast out to stop those cats being attracted to your build Good luck with the repairs. Pat
  12. Some very impressive rigging there Danny - a pleasure to view. Hopefully one day I might get back up to the Port Mac show and catch sight of this beauty in all its glory. cheers Pat
  13. No problems Boyd, that is what this site is all about - I have learned so much from others on this forum including Chuck, Russ, Danny, Jim Lad, Druxey and man others. Without this site I think the modelling world would be all the poorer. cheers Pat
  14. Thanks for providing this info Tony (and the NMM for allowing it) - some very useful info to be gleaned from these old models. cheers Pat
  15. Mark - I may have to retire. The quality of this rebuild is excellent (is this a reflection of the additional time you have to put into it? ) cheers Pat
  16. Thanks for that feedback Steve; it confirmed the thoughts I had on it also. Now that I have repaired my foremast, I will also get a chance to add this detail - a very timey 'light bulb' moment by you many thanks again Pat
  17. Thanks for looking in one and all; nice to have that support behind you when you experience these 'issues'. While this instance is not as bad as some other modellers have experienced/related here, for me it was heartbreaking at the time - that is now the 'three' out of the way I hope Boyd, you can never be too careful Danny has opened a very useful thread on correcting oopsies, some of the detail helped me in deciding what to do about this one. The big lesson learned here (apart from being less clumsy) was to take a short break (no pun intended) away from the model to calm down and determine what the actual issue is then look for all possible solutions. When I first saw the damage my immediate reaction was that OH NO! another rebuild coming up. However, when I looked at the extent of the damage and assessed the 'real' issues, it was possible to break the problem into manageable areas - in this case: 1. remove the old futtock shrouds and deadeye lanyards. 2. reglue the breaks on the trees (these were longitudinal and with the grain so should hold) and apply clamping pressure 3. redo the futtock shrouds and relace the lanyards 4. re-tension the crowsfeet where I had to manoeuvre the clamps in and out. et voila - a reasonable repair that I can live with The very close-up photography has highlighted a few craftsmanship issues that I will need to address in future builds The bonus (if you wish to call it that) is that I can revisit the topmast stays and preventers and add the mouse detail that Steve (shipaholic) has found (using Elastoplast) which nicely mimics the woven finish. Thanks again all Pat
  18. Thanks Steve, I went looking yesterday in a Chemist and couldn't find anything - should have known to go the supermarket Did you use any glue or just the adhesive? If only the adhesive, you obviously believe the tackiness will last a lifetime. It is a really clever idea and one of those that should be in the 'shop notes' for all modellers. Thanks again Pat
  19. Well folks, I am a little happier today as I have been able to recover the disaster without a major re-rigging of the foremast. I was able to remove the futtock shrouds and redo them but I had to sacrifice the deadeye lanyards in order to get the tension on the futtock shrouds as good as I could. I just hope I have enough of that size scale rope for the remaining shrouds. I used Chuck's hooks again so they matched the other hooks I have used on the shrouds but everything else is scratch built metal hooks. In some ways, the fact these hooks sheared was a bit of a blessing I think as the damage could have been worse if they didn't? There is one small area where the repair is visible but it is under the top and well recessed and only the most ardent rivet counter would notice it I think (circled in the photo). At 1:60 this was a fiddly repair job. I made the repairs in situ using a hypodermic needle to inject white PVA into the sheared sections - as these were a longitudinal braek (with the grain) I thought there would be sufficient strength in the joint. I cleaned up the after trestle/cross trees and applied PVA liberally. I cleaned up with a moistened tissue after I had set in place and clamped - came up better than I had hoped. Thanks all for looking in and the supportive comments - much appreciated. cheers Pat
  20. Mate that wound dressing effect is brilliant - can you advise the brand etc and where you go it. I was going to leave my smaller ones bare wood until I saw this and with the damage issue; gives me a chance to revisit and use this stuff. Thanks for sharing. cheers Pat
  21. Thanks to all for looking in. Mark - Me too!!!!! There might be enough meat to add pins but I think if the glue doesn't hold, I will dismantle and redo. You're very kind in your wording John - the expletives were a tad stronger - and a broken magnifier which bore the brunt of my displeasure cheers Pat
  22. It's enough to make a grown man cry (well almost) - minor disaster! Just as I was making good progress (as evidenced in the following photo which includes the damage) I made a clumsy move and caught the edge of the foremast lower platform/top snapping all the futtock shroud hooks (plastic ones from Chuck) and breaking trestletrees. The lucky part (if you call this luck) is that the breaks forward were clean and the after crosstree came clear without damage. I was still in the process of rigging the Main Stay and Preventer tackles (which was the item at the centre of this disaster) so, if the regluing looks OK /acceptable when dry tomorrow, I should be able to get by with only replacing the futtock shrouds and hooks - everything else can stay in place. Chuck's plastic hooks look good and will hold the shrouds in normal circumstances; but, as you can see, they are very prone to snap if too much pressure is exerted. This won't stop me using them for the smaller hooks but I will use scratch made for the rest of the hooks where a load is applied. Oh well another few days lost (unless the glue experiment looks bad/does not hold and then it will be a lost week or so as I will have to strip down the foremast tp the lower mast and redo the top and then re-rig. Lesson of the day - WATCH what you are doing and where your arm is
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