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Everything posted by BANYAN

  1. Thanks Dave, that's the plan re Endeavour (and a couple of frosties of course ) cheers Pat
  2. HKC - I hope you don't mind me high jacking your thread after such a long period of inactivity? In the Endeavour AOTS, this netting is referenced as being for the staysail ( to hold the 'bundle' when lowered). My question is how it was rigged circa 1770. the AOTS shows only a side view. In this view there is a 'horse' which I am presuming is one each side. I initially assumed the netting was fixed between these but there also appears to be a small eye ring centrally placed at either end fixed to the boom collar (fwd side) and boom cap (aft side) to which the net was attached. Would I be right in assuming that it was fitted between the horses (hitched) to act as spreaders and the central eye rings to give fore and aft support to the net? OR was it hung more like a hammock? Any pointers/suggestions appreciated as there is nothing in Lees, Lever, Marquardt, Harland or Falconer (that I can find) to provide this detail. cheers Pat
  3. Thanks all for looking in. ca shipwright - More ships??? Flat out keeping up with what I have in the shipyard Good to see you back in the dockyard Mike. Greg, Popeye - unfortunately retiring 5 years earlier than planned for health reasons - get some quality of life in while I can. My complaints however are minor compared to many! cheers Pat
  4. Thanks Mark and back at you - I hope you and yours had a great festive season With the Death Star commissioned I am sure 2016 will be a great modelling year. cheers Pat
  5. You too mate - 2016 will have to be better - now retired cheers Pat
  6. So what was this about blemish lines - can't see them standing up this way Looks great Mark! cheers Pat
  7. Thanks Popeye, ditto. I also hope you and your family had a great festive season and have much to look forward to in 2016. cheers Pat
  8. Great progress Greg - looking very good indeed. At this pace you'll be finished by NYD cheers Pat
  9. Coming along rapidly and looking great Danny; must be a bit of a doddle after the full shiop model? cheers Pat
  10. Thanks again to all those whom have looked in and "liked' - appreciate you dropping by. Hi Per great to see you drop in; thanks for your very positive comments. The AOTS has been very helpful with this build. It's going to be a very hot summer this year; lucky for us a cooler Christmas as we have some major bushfires just down the road from us on the "Great Ocean Road" with some 120 properties/homes lost already; the cooler weather had allowed the firefighters a little respite to try and control it. Warming up again later this week - we have already had a couple of days in the 4o+ Cel. range - good excuse for a couple of 'frosties' (beers) cheers Pat
  11. Nice work on the stern Mark; ditto John's remarks. We tend to be harder on ourselves than others and mostly the small issues you identify are only visible under harsh (bright) light and close-up photography - the real thing was probably a lot rougher to the eye than you have produced. cheers Pat
  12. Thanks for looking in folks and the comments Mark and John - appreciate the interest and encouragement. cheers Pat
  13. Well the 'knitting' is now done with all ratlines finished That is milestone completed and another started with a good start made on the jib and spritsail yards. cheers Pat
  14. Those guns look great Greg - looka like you are just having too much fun with plastic- any chance of a return to the dark side? cheers Pat
  15. Great update John; she is coming along very nicely. Our best wishes to you and your lovely wife for a happy and safe festive season and a great modelling 2016. cheers Pat
  16. Great to see you back Paul; look forward to the updates on this woinderful build. Ditto re the festive season. cheers Pat
  17. Looks ghreat as ir is Mark. This gives you the excuse to have a really good festive season celebration - well two excuses cheers Pat
  18. Nice work Greg, they look good; well worth the effort. cheers Pat
  19. Okay - I'll jump inm also - Happy birthday. Love this log simply for learning the ways you approach each detail. keep them coming (after appropriate birthday celebrations of course ) cheers Pat
  20. A major milestone desreves a major celebration - just don't use any powertools until the hangover is gone Well done mate, looks good. cheers Pat
  21. Hi Greg, another nice build you have going here. I am almost finished my Endeavour, so will get onto my Vampire (1:350) soon - be watching this log for hints and tips for plastic models So, I assume the Sydney next in a nice little diorama? cheers Pat
  22. Mikie, you might also investigate using a punch and die set such as the one shown here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5m4qaRcmXdU There are several different versions from different companies; some use plastic card, others user a shim metal to create the shapes. These are very realistic finishes but the punch/die sets can be a tad expensive - so you will need to evaluate how often you would use it. cheers Pat
  23. I can't believe the level of detail you have achieved; truely outstanding quality of work Remco. How does that tube jig work? i am assuming you load a dowel and hand file using this as the template? cheers Pat
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