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Everything posted by BANYAN

  1. Sitting at the back has its advantages mate; I can heckle and throw things further than you could throw them back and up Look forward to seeing your efforts on this build also. cheers Pat
  2. Taking a back row seat to see what you do with this one Carl, looks like you have taken a liking to RCN ships? cheers Pat
  3. Hi Gerald, a happy New Year to you and your family. Thanks for the pointer to your website. As has been commented but much more experienced modellers, I also find your work inspirational. Whenever I run into a metalsmithing 'roadblock' I always return to your work and see what is achievable - that usually gets me motivated, not that I am anywhere near your skill level. cheers Pat
  4. Welcome back to the 'fray' agan Mark; have missed your updates. I like that building jig; and, BTW, you make me extremely jealous with the flexibility/capability that 'death star' provides for you happy New Year! cheers Pat
  5. Fantastic job Rod; she came up a real 'treat' for the eyes and is a compliment to your efforts in building her. I really like that lantern, had not noticed it before. Happy New Year mate, cheers Pat
  6. Clever adaption; look forward to seeing some of the resulting work. cheers Pat
  7. That framing looks good Ben, glad to see you making such good progress. cheers Pat
  8. Stunning model; thanks for the update shots John. You guys can be justifiably proud of your efforts on this model. cheers Pat
  9. They have come out very nicely Steven; your persistence has paid dividends. Every sub/mini-project is a learning process; the next batch should be faultless masterpieces then cheers Pat
  10. Thanks Denis; a great christmas thanks mate. Wishing you and the family a happy and safe new year. cheers Pat
  11. I have used a spray-on (pressure pak) 'temporary' fix glue from 3M and another company in the past with some success - can't remember the brand name of the other but available in art supply stores. Only issue was that sometimes the edge of the paper would lift when cutting on the saw (especially with the scroll saw) which I think was due to the offset teeth of the blades I was using. cheers Pat
  12. Thanks all for the likes and comments; much appreciated. I hope all had a very happy Christmas, and wishing you all the best in health, happiness and prosperity for 2019. cheers Pat
  13. Hi Ilhan, As John has suggested, some steering control rods were above deck. The attached photo shows control chains but the principle is the same. I have seen, but do not have a photo, where these chains ran inside an inverted 'U' style protective cover bolted to the deck (not flush) also. I hope this helps? cheers Pat
  14. Hi folks a small update. These only stand 11mm tall and the thicker looking handles only 0.8mm - may change the handles as they look a little too thick but were supposed to be more substantial for two men to operate it. The downton pumps are assembled with one dry fitted to the base/plinth n which it will stand on deck. The next thing is to clean them up a bit and a final coat of white. Wishing all a very merry and safe festive season cheers Pat
  15. Merry Christmas John, and best wishes for a healthy 2019. I look forward to seeing your Meteor progress. cheers Pat
  16. What, no tinsel OMG! Looks good Patrick. Merry Christmas Pat
  17. Merry Christmas to you too mate! May santa make all your modelling wishes come to reality cheers Pat
  18. You have done remarkable work with a limited toolset Steven; congratulations are well deserved. Merry Christmas Pat
  19. Seasons greetings to you also Ed, thanks for another informative year. regards Pat
  20. Hi Vossie, WRT order I always look at what is going to be difficult to do once the furniture is in situ. For example, I place as many hooks, eyes etc into the bulwarks (for guns etc)before the furtnotre so that I have room to drill. the same goes when it comes to the furniture itself, I always look what is going to get in the way of other jobs, so I make but only dry fit some deck furniture. One example is things that may restrict you tying off on fife rails, pin rails, jeers btts etc. cheers pat
  21. Oh come on Ed, those are real yards treated in photoshop aren't they?....? very clean, crisp metal and wood work. cheers Pat
  22. Very nice - clean, symmetrical and a deck the Admiral would be proud of cheers Pat
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