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Everything posted by Gregory

  1. Not at all.. This was probably a good place to start..
  2. Your best resources for that would probably be The Anatomy of The Ship book. The Ships of Christopher Columbus Historic Ship Models might be some help.. Finding downloadable references for the period in question might be a challenge...
  3. This guy, BenD, bought a Syren Rope Rocket and made a business out of it.. Ropes of Scale One of the MSW sponsors.. A lot of rope making info here: Rope Making
  4. Another caveat to remember.. Yes, Model Expo will replace parts, but it will not be an improved part. It will be the same part you are having an issue with. If it's a bad casting, it may be a better part If it's something like strip or sheet wood , they will send you extra stuff..
  5. Here is the best shot I could find of that problem. From a log by Brian Parsons last updated in 2014.
  6. That answers a question I had about the material of the skeleton. It appears to be basswood. It would be a bit of a pain but maybe worth it to double or triple those bulwark extensions before going very far in the build. Particularly the bulkheads for the quarterdeck, I-M.. If you do any reinforcing for the midship bulkheads you have to take into account where some of the gun and oar ports will be.
  7. I apologize if I came across as being critical.. You have a great build going that I am following. I was just offering an observation.
  8. FWIW, The stack on that binnacle does not seem to be documented anywhere, nor does it appear on any contemporary models that I am aware of. What we have seen are vent holes in the side of the cabinet.. A bit of discussion here.
  9. John McKay's AOTS shows 12. Goodwin also shows 12 on Blandford.
  10. While I agree it's a nice jig, something with variable spacing/size would be more useful..
  11. Most of the wood in those houses and objects is not on the order of .5 - 1.5mm thick
  12. If you want to build it, I think $75 would be a fair offer. You might mention the the wood is probably dry and brittle and may need to be replaced to be able to build the kit.
  13. Many a good model has been built with just the kit parts. No one, me included, didn't know any better. Use the kit parts as a starting place and refine what you can.. Please don't cancel the parade. The rain was just a pop-up thunderstorm..
  14. Hey Dave, at the risk of raining on your parade: This simplified drawing from Mondfeld shows a basic anchor design for the 18th-19th century. Note the two halves of the stock have a gap when viewed from above. This design seems to be prevalent in multiple sources that I have. Here is a drawing from 1797 found in Lavery's Arming and Fitting of English Ships of War
  15. The basswood that comes in the kit should work.. There should be a little extra square stock. or use scrap sheet stock from the laser sheets. You might experiment with some dye or stain to get it looking the way you want.
  16. Those are some generic balusters found in a lot of kits. How do the dimensions match up with the 'scaled' drawings on the plans? You could use some square stock to make something like Ian's pic, without a lot of trouble. I think the Mamoli parts are a fair compromise. Making every detail look like the real thing sort of negates the purpose of building a kit. It's not a realistic goal. If you run short of those balusters, I'm sure I have a few of those in my stash I would be happy to share..
  17. I love the color of your AYC, prticularly in the 2nd shot.. I have saved that one and it is my standard now.. If my work doesn't look close to that-tear it off and start over..😁 I hope the lighting doesn't change it much.. Of course it may darken some with age, but you are achieving an exceptional finish. Have I misread somewhere that you are using boxwood, and not AYC?
  18. Something that makes you go " Oh wow " when you are copying the plans and building your own. A little redesign after running into issues with the backbone ver1.0. I will be updating my log soon. The scrap pile is growing
  19. Here is a chart that will print out to scale. https://syrenshipmodelcompany.com/resources/Suren Ultra Scale Rope Size chart.pdf
  20. P.S In the future, you might consider not following through with a butt joint when it involves a very short piece of blank.
  21. Without anything else to go on, you lost your symmetry somewhere.. So, you lost your mirror image.. This has happened to me before. Could be a flaw in the kit design.. Something to keep in mind next build.. I don't think it is a big detractor in an otherwise good build so far..
  22. Do you have a close-up of this area. I would like to see if I can sort out your mirroring problem..
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