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Everything posted by shipman

  1. The brief period when Airfix produced their sailing ship kits..... Of course they all have issues, but bare in mind they were produced for unwashed, snot nosed kids with limited pocket money; yet the hull moldings at least, stand up to favorable scrutiny. Indeed their 'Victory' is almost identical to the drawings in the AOTS book. I see no reason their CS should be any different; a shame it's such a small scale. Whoever their designer was, he knew his stuff by the standards of the day. The big revell kit is a generation earlier and from what I've read it was a dedicated CS project, though clunky by today's standards. Don't forget how under served modelling of any kind was in the late '50's and early 60's and today's high definition kits were a figments of a deranged mind back then. The Thermopylae kit was an after thought, slightly modified to capitalise on the success of their CS, as were other kits in that range. Your average schoolboy modeller would have had zero reference to go by, so none the wiser. Retrospect is a cruel God!
  2. The Nannie Dee decoration (you found it) could be drawn larger and reduced on your device and printed onto decal paper.
  3. Looking forward to more of your updates, which are promising to say the least. Always refreshing to see another 'take' on one of the few available kits of clippers. The more one reads about the long history of CS, the more one realises how much detail was altered due to improvements, changes in use and indeed damage repairs. What little 'gingerbread' is featured has also changed over time and no one to my knowledge has depicted the very early stern decoration, drawings of which are online somewhere. Happy modelling.
  4. BE, I did mention there are no issues with Chicks excellent kits. Ultimately this is a typical Longboat from the period. Surely not all had red as a dominant colour and even less had the florid decoration? These 'Medway' longboats have been a constant feature on this forum since they were introduced. I suppose retaining the kit colour scheme will fit in nicely with your previous builds.
  5. Oooo! Another one of your exciting builds BE; and so soon. Always a big fan of your projects. Any chance you would consider a different approach to the decoration? No doubt about Chuck's product quality, but this model in its various scales is getting so hackneyed on this forum, it would be refreshing to see a different treatment. I can but hope.
  6. Well done....your flag looks like a flag! Very impressed with how this project is coming along. Brilliant choice with the 'monotone wood finish'.
  7. Ah, the Fandango dance to the fidelity of fine detail fanaticism. Only joking; but I rarely recover from my aching sides when it happens again. And again....
  8. Soopa, well worth the extra work putting a crew together. Congratulations. Er.....wouldn't a flag officer have a flag?
  9. WOW! I've just realised I've been a member of this rewarding forum for 10 years now.
  10. I always liked the black/white undersides, a feature shared with the Spitfire at the time. The first production batch Hurricanes had silver dope finish underneath. I believe the black and white was an 'emergency' field modification, applied by 'erks on station. Because of this I'm sure no two were exactly the same. The kit is depicted with far too emphasised fabric wings. Doped fabric was always drum tight and you'd have to get up close to see the difference.
  11. Just have to say this.....ships of this era epitomise the current Steampunk Sci-Fi genre.
  12. Stephane, you told me you don't pop your cork for just anyone.....now we've all got a lap full LOL 🤓
  13. Druxey, I have the deepest respect for you and your superior knowledge, yet Dave appears to be embarking on only his second build. If he can indeed put any model together based upon an ATOS title and include all or most of the enclosed detail, then that would be an accomplishment. Is he prepared to search out and pay for all the books required, add all the time to read and absorb them to complete a model that 99.9% of folk would be none the wiser? I do resent your implied comment 'If you aren't fussy', Each of us live life to different ideals, but few it would seem should er from yours? Not so long ago I recall you commenting (laudably) that this forum caters to all levels of interest and skill. I would urge anyone to strive for perfection, but that rarely comes at a single bound.
  14. Dave, good luck with your New Years project. I'm fortunate to own all the AOTS series and recognise they aren't without flaws, but I would contend that if you can build a model which has less flaws you're a better person than most.
  15. Hopefully you never see BOTH in the same room. Congratulations Valeriy, you've made more than a model; you've made friends an allies.
  16. Yea, right, Craig. We at the other end of the world have no sympathy at all with you and the heat you're having to cope with.
  17. Words fail me, but my eyes don't! Thank you, Valeriy, for taking the trouble to keep posting excellent photographs of your work. My very Best Wishes.
  18. Vitus, Merry Christmas! Looking at the few photo's of your perceived problems with that hull; building that kit it's a common problem. I'm afraid you have to be a bit more 'creative' with such issues which many before you have overcome. I'll leave it to others with more recent experience to jump to your aid, but this impasse is resolvable.
  19. Yes Michael, Rex builds some fine examples of the Airfix sailing ships. Don't know why, but he seems to have taken offense at another place mid-way through his St Louis build. Hopefully he isn't having some kind health issue; I've always admired his work. He really belongs here.
  20. Coming along nicely; love you ladder. It must be remembered, Airfix sell their kits as 'toys'. All their sailing ship kits are very old, yet in many respects they have remarkable definition.
  21. Valerie, I was talking on the phone when your latest images popped up.....and I bit my tongue! Marvelous, BRAVO! Are your side rails twisted wire? I imagine they were chain on the ship? You and your work are a lesson for us all. Thank you for sharing your long adventure; no doubt there will be others to test your resolve. Stay safe during this 'season of goodwill'.
  22. BRAVO! This is the second ship/water/diorama I've seen on this forum recently. Both spectacularly successful. The evident fact is, displaying a sailing ship like this (canvas spread) enhances the model above and beyond a similar model mounted on a plinth.
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