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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. Some awesome details, Thanks for posting this will help a lot, I am looking forward to the ratlines myself LOL.
  2. Enjoy your vacation, and try not to think about the second layer of planking to much lol.
  3. Merry Christmas my friend, and thanks for all your help over the last couple of years it meant alot as well as helped. All the best in the new Year Bob M.
  4. It's looking good my friend. For me this part of the build is the funniest, all the deck furniture and masts. And the ships boat. Merry Christmas Bob M
  5. Good luck on your journey, everything you need to know is here at MSW. Enjoy the voyage. Welcome aboard.
  6. 😔 sorry to hear, all my thoughts and prayers. Merry Christmas and all the best in the new year.
  7. Well I finished the tiller , again. I am calling this time great for the tiller, looks good to me lol. I also finished the safety ropes around the stair wells. But I am afraid the sickness has got me. Lol. I was the last hold out , now the entire family has it. Everyone gets a box of kleenex for Xmas. Lol. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Bob M. And Captain Marvin.
  8. Hey Bryan, she looking good. I am of no help when it comes to measuring and math but I here for moral support lol. Coming along nicely. Have a great holiday and Merry Christmas, and all the best in the new year.
  9. Well I finished up all the stairs, now just have to tie a safety rope around them to complete them. Tomorrow. Also tomorrow I will finish up the tiller. Yes I re did It again. Added two more blocks, now she looks just like the instructions. Lol. I switched the rope again and went with a .75 natural rope. Don't matter I won't be doing it again even if it is wrong lol. So now it's time to black-in all the chain plates. And the mast look really fun to do . I can't wait lol. I ordered a new Pegasus figure head, it took 9 days to get here from Italy , not bad this time. I open the bag and dumped it all out, and would you know it. I broke a wing right off the bat. I was so carful about the rest of it. I fitted it and painted it, Marvin told her back in the box till we are done for you lol. Merry Christmas my friends, thanks for looking.
  10. Thank You @aliluke, I fixed them this morning , just had to take the ring off and turn them around.
  11. Ok so I could not wait to fix the tiller, it was bugging me to much. So I repaired it, it does look better 😏. Lol Before after Merry Christmas. lol
  12. Well Anchors away, they turn out not bad. I have made four Amati anchors on previous builds, and I learnt that if you round off the Shank and don't drill the hole in the stock any bigger , it works for me. My bottle of Blacken it, is getting low, you can't get it here anymore so time to start conservation lol. So I got all the parts together, blacken-it what I need to and put them on. I came to the realization that I used the wrong rope on the tiller, so I am going to redo it . If you zoom in you can see the difference. I think I will redo the ropes around the stair wells as well. I used .07 were I should have used .25 natural thread. It does looks better. It will give me a chance to reposition some blocks for the tiller as well, that I said it will do lol. Cap. Marvin says get the stairs done, don't worry about the masts. I have so much to do lol. I am loving it. I don't remember where I saw this, the builder made the mast off the ship. Being a neanderthal lol I decided to give it a try. There is more room to move around now lol. There is so many great logs for the Pegasus, you should have a look at @giampieroricci wow, looking through his log makes me laugh at mine lol. But I am having just as much fun as he is building mine . This modeling is so fun, she may not look pretty but she's a beautiful ship to me. Thanks for looking in. And thanks for the logs MSW. So with so much to do and Christmas 🎄 coming and a whole house full of sick kids we will see how it goes lol. Take care all and in case I don't get a chance to post again lol have a Merry Christmas .
  13. Yes my friend, people around the world are truly " gobsmacked" ,truly an amazing build. Waiting to see the waterfall, the trees the water coming down and a few Feral chickens along the shoreline. Great job my friend 🐓🐤
  14. We may have a winner, but the tail is up not down, looks good but not sure will wait till I get the replacement from Amati . So I have finished the mid deck assembly, had to do little improvising but I like it. The .5 black line did not go through the little holes on the brass peices but I drilled them out with a small bit and it went well. All the guns are on, the swivel guns look good, cannons are ok. So now just a few things left on sheet six, some blocks, eyelets, cleats and the channels left to pin on. Soon it will be just masts and rigging. Lovein it. Thanks for helping build my ship, I definitel would be lost without MSW/NRG to help guide me through it. Thanks for looking in.
  15. Well what can I say, it just looks so bare with out a figurehead now. Lol On top of that Vikings have raided the ship Lol But they left no stairs. Lol As soon as they did I got busy and made one set of stairs. I was going to do the mid deck assembly but I need to place the cannons before I do that. Now I have to make a choice., option one with just the breaching tackle Or option two fully rigged . I can't decide. Nothing is glued , just waiting to make up my mind about the cannons . So I will make up the lower deck stairs, the Bell tower is finished, added a peice of copper for the roof, I have gone copper crazy 🤪 lol. I all so needed a quick peek at the ships boat, it will do. Talk to you all later
  16. Today I rigged the tiller tackle, and blackin the swivel guns as well as painting the brass on the holders , for a lack of knowledge as to what the are lol. I think the look ok, better in real life than the pictures lol 😆 So knowing myself I took all the swivel guns off and put them away for safe keeping. So nowI want to build the stairs and hand rails around them. Hopefully I will get to the Mid deck bulkhead details as well as the bell tower today as well. Having the time of my life, rigging is just around the corner lol. Oh yes I have to build the masts first lol. Stay save my friends. Talk to you latter.
  17. Well in my haste to get the Pegasus on the bow of the ship, ya you guess it I am a neanderthal lol its in about four peices. Lol. So my daughter said she will buy me one for Xmas. I ordered it today lol. Won't be putting it on till much later lol. So this is what I did to the tiller housing , copper roof lol. Then coppered the Bincale assembly as well. I was not sure if I wanted the skylight red, so I went with black with gold windows. CM says it's time to start glueing things in place, before I lose them.lol. And this is how it will look when she is all glued in place. I have to drill all the eyelet holes, and make a few blocks for the tiller tackle. I fitted all the swivel guns, now I will blackin them and paint them up a bit. But tomorrow is another day lol .
  18. Well this was my first attempt to put the timber heads on After looking @vulcanbomber log , and finding peice # 228 this is what I came up with, it's a little shakey but for me it will do. I need to do some paint thouch ups on some of the black, that's the easy part lol. So now it's the hull steps, a couple of walnut strips and sheet 4 is finished. Then time to do the stairs and hand rail. And I will finish all on sheet 5 next. Thanks for all who post logs I find them very helpful as my reading skill are not my best quality 🙂. But hey I love my ships lol. Thank you everyone
  19. Well I found peice 288, if we go back to post #39 when I build the ships boat they were in there with the bell. I could not figure out were they went on the boat. Well I guess I just put them away and forgot about them. I was looking at @vulcanbomber log, thanks for posting, and the light switch came on. I can fix it now, to make it look like the pictures. I knew I was doing something wrong but c' est la vie. I just found it tonight, so I will fix it tomorrow. Now I am in to the fun part , all the deck furniture and mast, which leads to rigging lol. I even started to think about doing the masts but there is just so much to do and it all fun stuff. That's it for today. Thanks for looking.
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