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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. Good luck on your journey. Best place ever!! Bob M.
  2. I belive I glued little stips on each side. Then after the sides were planked , I filled in the gaps with plastic wood then sealed it. they were small gaps so I think they turn out ok Bob M.
  3. I don't know the difference between the two, I only have used plates. I installed them two at a time using Super Phatic glue. It was really easy to do. They are still sticking to my Pegasus. Bob M.
  4. Very nice job on the rigging, the seizeing looks so good. I am kicking myself for letting what I did be my final decision but I will live with it. Lol . Glad my pictures were of help. But I won't look to close if I were you lol. Nice work. Bob M.
  5. Precautions have been installed. . But Keith has sent me plans for a more robust is that the right word lol set of plans lol. Bob M.
  6. @Keith Black if I do I couldn't fix it as good as it is now. I tell you this is the last time for a picture of the stren , I almost did. I was just cleaning things up and had to fix just one or two things that needed to be reglued Well . Then I gave the wood a drink of shellac sealer. All the windows look like this and I have them. Rodney's work is amazing stuff. Copper hull looks great to me. All the mast are ready, I had them on and on the work bench but I am so excited about this build. I forgot to take a picture. But I am going to see him soon they have moved him 90 miles away, what can you do. He has the cancer so I am sure big old Knocklouder will have a tear 😢 or two, From time to time. But the work is all his, I only will rig it. Well I might touch up a few things as we go I will try to get as much info on his build that he will let me share, he is a very humble and private man. So now really back to the Duchess, lol. Or painting figures lol bet she wins lol. All I know is this is going to take up my whole display case . Stay tuned as they say, I hope to make it look good for my dear friend Rodney Who will always be the Captain of this ship. ❤️. Knocklouder.
  7. Hello, I would like to introduce Captain Rodney. He is named after my friend who gave me this Astrolabe 1812. He had to quit building and gave all his ship yard to me. I am so lucky wow. I would never have bought one my self. It looks expensive. Plus a Bluenose and a Wasa 1628, the wasa has lots of missing parts though. Rodney has done a lot of the work on building, no rigging lol. The build should go pretty fast as most of it is done but there are ratlines and shrouds and deadeyes ohh my. So I guess this is kind of a box opening. Let's see what I got. The ship. Lots of fittings. The Astrolabe has 14 cannons, there is way more than 14 in this box. I will have to figure them out. Some of the yards are started as well. Another tray of fitting deadeyes, of different colors. This is the tray holder he gave me. It has all the goodies for five ships. He also made a thread holder and it has four razor saws that attract to the orange handle I only know as much about this ship as Google and Wikipedia has told me. There is one log I can find on MSW. It has not been posted on for awhile, but he gave two links for more info on the Astrolabe. I am just finishing up my Duchess of Kingston and decided this is my next build. Rodney is not doing well, and I should have started this awhile ago, but the crew was not ready. So with all of your help this should turn out fantastic So I have packed everything away. Please feel free to leave any links or information that I can look up , one that has a lot of pictures. It also has plans and instructions. But I have not looked into them to much. Ok Back to the Duchess. Just wanted to start another log while the paint drys lol . Bob M. PFCGP Goober
  8. Well today special thanks go's to @David Lester he gave me a tip when rigging the blocks for the stays , rig them lose then attached them to the ship tighten them up. Much easier then try to thread them on the ship. It has made my life easier as well lol. They say that the eye picks up yellow first, let's see if that works lol yes for the fourth time I gently broke my Bowsprit mast, it possessed I tell you lol 😆. Maybe rubber is the way to go lol. / We will see if this yellow clip saves the day. So now I just want to paint figures. The crowsfeet will be up next, my first time doing crowsfeet, but thanks again @Glenn-UK for his help, I think I understand what to do, just nervous about the placement of the lines. We will see, I can always call Glen lol. Thats the beauty of MSW, all the help in the world thanks . (Texan accent) "You All" Talk soon my friends, I am a fast painter lol. Bob M. PFCGP Goober 🙂
  9. Welcome back. Bob M.
  10. I agree 100% with you @Keith Black totally blowin away. It is absolutely amazing. Gobsmacked perfection. Congratulations my friend!!! Bob M. & Crew. Goober says he will never doubt you ever again. Your the best!!!
  11. Tòday went not to badly , I used the thrid hand to hold the Thimble blocks in place well I rigged them. After which I rigged them to the ship. Pile made double sure we were putting them in the right place. One side done let's spin it around for the other side. Yes you guessed right, off came he Bowsprit mast again , 3 times now lol. But we fixed it , also noticed one ratline was coming apart so put that on the list of things to fix. Now it was on to the Rigging of the topmast preventor stay and fore topmost stays. Wow the lines and the holes on the rigging get smaller every day lol. And I have not even begun the F-13 = 2mm tiny single blocks 😒 . LOL. So I just have to rig two more stays , the Main top mast and the preventor stay, and belay them to the winch post. But knot today. I will finish that tomorrow, then like I said a break for painting. Thanks so much for peeking 🫣, and for the likes and wows 👌. If you say it quick, I only have the crowsfeet, yards and anchors left after tomorrow lol. Ships boat optional lol. Take care. Bob M. PFCGP Goober
  12. Nice work , definately going to be poking around your Harpy build. well done indeed . Bob M.
  13. @Glenn-UK Thank you so much, I hit one of those moments when you just say , you better ask for help lol. So having been parked on Glen's logs, I asked . He told me how he made his, and now that he has giving me pictures and guidance, I am about to attempt it on my ship . All of the stays are run, I just have to tie them up. Of course I broke the Bowsprit mast again 😒 lol. After teing them off, I am going to attempt the crowsfeet rigging Glen explained it to me , I got it lol, now I just got to do it . But after teing all the stays, which have lines that run to belaying points, I am going to stop rigging and do some painting to relax 😌. I have made a few mistakes, lines have been cut and ca backed together lol but that's me . I just love putting kits together, an this Duchess is becoming one of my favorites. I wound not be "Surprise" at me buying another Vanguard Model in the future. My freind Rodney had to stop modeling a few years back. Old man shaking syndrome, he gave me his ship yard of models and lot's of books and the list is endless and priceless. One of his models is an Astrolabe, it has the hull and the masts are done but not on or rigged . I think that I will finish that next. Mainly because he has taken a turn for the worst, And I want to rig it up for him. Before I suffer the same fate, how sad it is , but inevitably I guess. The First Mate agreed and said the Pegasus will be there when you're ready. But Hey let's get back to the Duchess. Taking a break , Pile, sorry Private First Class Gnomer Pile, he is getting uppity about his title. Lol must be because of the meeting he and Goober had with the Royals I asked them how it went, he said you'll get my report later. Oohhh give the man a title lol. Goober said he thought she is beautiful, but thought she would be taller, like in his dreams. Lol 😆 🤣 The Figures are amazing, they come from my @Gabek Collection, the man is outstanding. I have a whole bag of figures and several ships boats to put together and paint. So I will be relaxing quite a bit for the next little while. I needed to get some cannon balls for the Duchess , I phone Gabe and he was just making some for his Triton build and said no problem, but I think it was lol. THANKS SO MUCH @Gabek. Just an amazing freind. He said he will add them to your box of goodie next time we meet. After she is all tied up I am going to study the plans and paint and study somemore lol, and probably paint some more 😅 . But I got to tell you that kid in me just is having way to much fun . Lol. You can have your cake and eat it to!!! Take care my friends , so greatful for all the help and likes. Thank you. Bob M. PFCGP Goober
  14. I like the C A thread for a handel kinsmen. Lol. The little fellow you showed me before didn't have Neanderthal hands lol. What about a round tooth pick.. Great work my freind. Bob M.
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