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    Rome, Italy
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    listen to music, reading, running, swimming

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  1. Wonderful job ! When I see this genre of masterpieces, I think I don't will arrive ever, to this level. Congratulations
  2. What is selinic acid? I must try with vinegar, before other method Consider that using 30% hydrochloric acid and ammonia is fast and safe, if you use it outdoor, and protected by a mask. You don't have to put your face over and it is not explosive.
  3. The most interesting thing is that if you make a mistake or do not like, you can always go back the cotton swab with the acid and start over. I protect my eyes and my face with a mask, and try it outdoor
  4. Hi shipmates, I finished today to coppering my Connie with copper-tape. I used a poncewheel in the rear face of the tape, to relief the heads of the rivets. Now the problem is to make old the copper. I tried with 30% hydrochloric acid only, with ammonia only, hydrogen peroxide, and sodium hypochlorite Best results is using first a cotton swab with 30% hydrochloric acid, followed by a second swab with ammonia. The contact time of the acid -swab must be short, otherwise it corrodes the copper. (first test upward) Immediately after you have to put ammonia with another cotton swab. I did several tests (as in the photo) and it can get a nice blue-green shades.... During tests, I've seen smoke after the contact between acid and ammonia. Don't breathe it, because it is toxic.
  5. I used it like a scraper, just like said by david b. You must use the lathe with low speed, and the "scraper " must be very sharp.
  6. hello richard, I've done it this way I took a used cutter-spare- blade. I shaped it with a diamond wheel mounted on the drill, so as to give a profile equal to that of the cannon.Then I used it for turning, so the guns are equal.
  7. I totally agree with maggsl 01. I have DB 250 too, and I'm very satisfied. I worked on cannons, cabestan, masts, with great accuracy. I didn't work on metal, I believe it is not suitable for it.
  8. I thought about this tool, to facilitate the winding ropes: it is a simple tool. Just a wood strip in advance, with two holes where I glue two pins, and a notch at the tip. it work very simply: Ropes in advance must be wrapped around the two pins crossing when the coil of rope is ready, it can be wrapped around the pins
  9. Just a little mistake, Joachim. In Italy, we use as nickname "Il Vespucci", not "Amerigo". Only for clarification. Bye
  10. very nice work. Much compliments, Ricardo.
  11. Very very nice carving. I don't know the right way. If you have made your model without any type of painting, I think it is better to leave your carving as it is. This is only my simple opinion. I prefer the natural color of boxwood, but your carving is simply beautiful in any way you let it.
  12. I don't know the reason. But I think..... If we assume that water can pass between deck's wood, but also between hull's planking, it's obvious that caulking must be done also on the hull. If so, caulking the hull is the only possibility. Maybe that cauking is invisible, because the hull is varnished and/or plated with copper ?
  13. There is no question about the quality of the books sold by ANCRE. Shipping service may be inefficient. I bought n. 1 volume of 74-guns, The Art of Modelism, and Cavalier della salle, and arrived in 7-8 days from the payment. I bought The Cigne last days of July and it arrived in November. I wrote Mr Didier Berti and He said me that ordinary postal service from France to Italy in summertime, is very slow. I believe that it is true, expecially for italian postal service.
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