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Captain Poison

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Everything posted by Captain Poison

  1. This is pretty basic and modest in price.. https://www.artesanialatina.net/en/artkids/1393-drakkar-viking-boat.html
  2. A wonderful job, congratulations!
  3. Check here,one seller have one used $66.54.. https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/ready-to-hazard-david-f-long/1103815167?ean=9780835705790
  4. Excellent work master Albert! the base is amazing and perfect for the ship.
  5. The first illustration shows the cannon in battery or battle, second in peacetime or travel and the third trips in severe storms. If you decide on the second option, you should keep in mind that you will lose space on the deck, making it more difficult to work with details.
  6. Respecting the MSW decision, I think it's a good idea. In which the author who does not dominate the English language can explain the methods shown.. I'm sure more than one has questions about details of this magnificent work..
  7. Excellent build and a great resource of information.. (Stai facendo un ottimo lavoro, Tiziano!)
  8. Before posting cross my mind (just for business) but a mate was in need,enjoy it!
  9. I found this on Ebay.. https://picclick.com/The-Illustrated-Guide-For-Modeling-HMS-Warrior-74-152961299294.html https://www.ebay.com/itm/152961299294?rmvSB=true
  10. Master Albert,your work is perfect! a pleasure to my eyes..
  11. I found this one on Amazon and is excellent..
  12. Last year I posted the same site, I was in contact with a designer and he can duplicate the piece that is needed, just give the measures... https://www.shapeways.com/create
  13. You can be very proud of your work because it is excellent, thanks for this great update!!
  14. Thanks to you Bob for sharing, it's always a pleasure to see your work !!
  15. Chuck, I do not know if you already have a waiting list but I would love to have the kit #1..
  16. Chuck, I fully understand your point and agree that many of us can bash the kit, just follow your main idea and present your work that will be welcome..
  17. All the models presented are great Chuck! but I think the Pegasus cross section is the one for me and will be without doubt the pearl in Syren Ship Model Company.
  18. This may vary depending on which country was the ship and whether they were wartime or peace.And surely it was used a light color for lower decks.
  19. Another technique is to use white glue mixed with cigarette ashes and water...no only serves for the caulking also to give an antique look to the wood. Once the mixture has passed and removed with a slightly wet cloth, pass a fine sandpaper to remove even more excess. (The same technique is used for the hull).
  20. Excellent work on the hull Erik!, very precise if you compare the right and left side that is very difficult to get.
  21. A colossal job Gaetan, I never tire of seeing the images! Thank you for sharing your knowledge. For me a very appreciated source of information..
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