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Captain Poison

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Everything posted by Captain Poison

  1. Excellent work montañez! I like the precision in the details, an exquisite work.
  2. In addition to this maneuver to secure the cannons on trips (JerseyCity Frankie pics), also were placed as seen in the third drawing, when it had a very bad sea.
  3. Bob, I'm just going to be in Delray tomorrow at a friend's house. I live in Fort Lauderdale and 1 mile off the coast and it's not safe. Actually all Florida is not safe but in Delray and 6 miles off the coast It can be the difference. Stay safe my friend.. Edit:Maybe you should consider the products that Chuck sells. In my opinion a low cost solution with great results (already come with a small curvature giving more realism to the work) https://www.syrenshipmodelcompany.com/laser-cut-ship-model-grating-strips.php#!/3-64-1-19-mm-Boxwood-Grating-Strips-with-Camber/p/49532460/category=12843112
  4. Good job in general Bob, you have chosen a good ship for this type of work (semi-scratch) in which you can detail with patience and get excellent results.
  5. I have the feeling that the Museum receives multiple calls for the same.. http://steelnavy.com/Preussen48.htm
  6. This is a beautiful ship and your work is great..! The Pegasus is definitely my next work after my current built.
  7. If I had no other choice because the hull is completely finished and also the deck, I would use heavy duty clay, placing the mast and wait for it to dry..
  8. Great to see you back Dan! and it doesn't matter if it's a boat or a stagecoach, always is a pleasure to follow your logs..
  9. Excellent Liberto! you made a great job with that stove,you really worked in the details. One of the best that I have seen no doubt, you've put effort into the details and that makes it great.. (Has rizado el rulo de la perfeccion!)
  10. This will be a log to follow, good start Jeronimo!
  11. Excellent work albert! is amazing..
  12. I wish you the best winds in this construction, it is always nice to have new projects in the shipyard... new challenges bring more knowledge so I thank you for sharing your work.
  13. Congratulations for this excellent work! and like others, waiting for the Halifax...
  14. Years ago I had the same problem to make accurate cuts, use different methods without good results... the solution was a Guillotine Paper Cutter
  15. Good winds in this new work Gaetan, it sure will be interesting and instructive. It is always nice to follow the different steps of construction and on this scale... incredible!
  16. Always a pleasure to see updates from your work Mike! It looks excellent and as Nils says,acurate and clean..
  17. I use this Dremel model and in my opinion it is very helpful. Ideal for small jobs...Wireless with 5-speed and its base is the charger.
  18. Your best option by R.C.Anderson https://www.amazon.com/Rigging-Ships-Spritsail-1600-1720-Maritime/dp/048627960X
  19. I use an old pan which the nob was removed, very effective and good results... I do not use too much water and I put a little olive oil.
  20. The balustrade is very well executed and gives a great detail to the stern... Your work is awesome maestro!
  21. Excellent idea for the construction of the rail and the completed work is very good!! It is an excellent job Liberto...
  22. Have a look here.. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/901-uwek-triton-build-re-post-by-mod/maybe anwser your question.
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