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Posts posted by RossR

  1. I have the frame assembled.  I used some Lego blocks clamped on to the false keel to keep each frame piece square while the glue dried.  I used regular wood glue to glue the frame pieces together.  


    I find that Occre does a really good job with their laser cutting.   I didn't have any issues with pieces fitting together properly.
















































    The hole for the bowsprit on the front frame piece is not contoured to properly accept the bowsprit.   The instructions say to use a 10mm drill after the hull is planked to drill out the hole properly.  I found this difficult on my HMS Beagle, because it was difficult to know if you were drilling into the slot on the false keel without making it bigger.  I chose to simply use a file to create the proper contour on the frame piece so the bowsprit will fit properly.  I will need to also file the hull planks after they are installed.





    Next step is to plank and install the deck pieces.  I enjoy this step.  It is the first step that completes a part of the ship that will be seen on the completed model, so if it feels like progress as opposed to just prep work assembling the frame that won't be seen.   Hopefully I have something to post soon on my  progress with the deck.  

    IMG_2934 (1).JPG

  2. I have recently completed my first model ship, HMS Beagle by Occre.  I am now starting my second, Frigate Diana, also from Occre.  I have decided to document this build with a build log.  I am hoping to get feedback and advice from more experienced modelers and to hopefully be a source of information to other beginners.   Some of the members that post on this site are meticulous about being as historically accurate as possible.  While I respect the time and effort that they put into researching and building their models, I am less concerned with this aspect of the hobby.  For me it is about the relaxation and satisfaction I get out of building the model and the aesthetic of the final result. 


    While I am pleased with the overall result of my first model, I am looking forward to improving on my second build. One area that I am focused on is the first layer of the planking.  I am planning on installing the first layer of the planking using some of the techniques that I have read about on this web site.  This may be overkill since I am still planning on adding the second layer of planking, but I am viewing it as practice for someday building a model that only has a single layer of planking.  


    I am also hoping to be more precise on items like the trim on the deck railings and the masts and other deck features.  My rigging got better as I progressed on my first model, and I hope to make all of the rigging better on this model.  I am also hoping to learn more about the proper terminology for the various parts of the ship, especially the rigging.


    Thank you for taking the time to read this build log and please add comments and questions about my work.   




    The parts were in great shape except for one of the ship's wheels had two broken spokes.  Occre is really good about replacing broken parts and makes the process pretty easy.




    The laser cut parts are all in good condition and nothing is warped.  






    Occre provides over 100 pages of instructions and plans including detailed rigging plans.





    I hope the have be basic frame assembled in a few days and will post on my progress.



  3. I am finishing my first model, and had really good luck using a small plane to remove the bulk of the material.  Then I wrap a small strip of rubber around one end of the piece that I insert into a drill.  The rubber keeps the drill chuck from damaging the piece.  I use sandpaper to remove the rest of the material and make the piece round and then finer grit sandpaper to make it smoother.





  4. I am about to start building the Frigate Diana from Occre.  The boats that were supplied are metal die cast boats.  My first model was the HMS Beagle from Occre that had 4 small boats that were built as a plank on frame construction.  I am considering trying to scratch build the boats using a "layer cake" method like Model Shipways Constituion's boats.  Curious if anyone has tried this or has any advice.  

  5. 42 minutes ago, Mr. Skulduggery said:

    I have just found this after trying to do some research into model ship building.


    I am looking for a new hobby to undertake, but initially put of by the price of even then easier wood model kits, I had even considered plastic first. Since reading concerns about new builder going in too hard, I realised that would have been me, or I wouldn’t have even bothered buying as it would have been too expensive to turn around and decide it’s too hard or don’t like.


    Anyway, I went ahead and ordered Revells viking ship as this was cheap and I have a love of vikings, let see how things go. Hopefully this is a good way to start up. Please let me know what others are ideal for starters.



    I started with HMS Beagle by Occre.  Occre has a series of about 130 short youtube videos on how to build the kit.  Currently I am working on the rigging.  I have enjoyed building the model.  I made a few mistakes along the way, but I learn a lot and I will hopefully be finishing the Beagle and starting my next model in January.  Best advice I can give is watch the videos (probably useful for any first tall ship build even if you aren't building the Beagle) and really go over the instructions.  As I got further along in the build I started watching the videos with the instructions for that stage of the build.   This was especially helpful on the rigging.  Also, for a first build, remember you are supposed to enjoy building it.  It won't be a museum quality model so don't stress over any small mistakes.  I have a couple of lines that go to the wrong pin to be tied off, and one big mistake on the main mast that I couldn't correct.  Oh well.  I will learn from it and do better next time, but my model still looks good.  

  6. I am currently finishing my first model, HMS Beagle from Occre.  I had some problems with the polyurethane that I used to finish it.  I opened a new can of Minwax quick dying polyurethane in March and had really good results.  By summer the poly from the same can wouldn't dry.  I expected slower drying due to higher humidity, but no matter how long I waited is stayed tacky.  


    I would appreciate any insights into why this happened.  


    Also, I will be starting my next model in a couple months and I am wondering if I should be using a lacquer or shellac instead.  I will be brushing it on, not spraying and would love to hear any thoughts on whether I should stick with poly or switch to something else.




  7. I am currently building my first model, HMS Beagle from Occre.  Going pretty well.  I have made a few mistakes including one big one on the main mast, but have learned a lot.  I started about 10 months ago and am currently about half way through the rigging.  I hope to be done after Christmas.  I will be starting the Frigate Diana next and I am planning on creating a build log as I go.  



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