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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. Thanks Chuck, Its all been fun but now it's onto more fun! I shaped and added the frieze to the checks. I then started shaping the hair brackets. There are three layers and I started with the center one. I removed the char and rounded the edges. Next I have to shape it to fit snug against the hull and stem. It's hard to see in this picture but I've got a good bit of adjusting to do. Once the inner piece is shaped to fit the two outer pieces will be glued on. There is an etched line in the top piece that will hopefully give me the correct angle for when attaching the hair brackets. Lots of different angles and planes. Gulp. Here I go!
  2. The bridle ports are now finished and permanently in place. I'm glad there aren't any more to do. Next I'll start on checks, hair brackets and hawse holes but first I had to paint the upper portion of the stem. Between coats I sanded the faces of the multiple pieces with some 320 grit sandpaper. These pieces are all cut from Cherry wood and part of the chapter 5 package.
  3. Very nice work Derek. Just like you anywhere there were laminations that would end up painted I coated them with wood filler just in case.
  4. Thanks Chuck. Hi Glenn, I found fitting the lids more challenging than the brass so no problem! Also thanks for the likes!
  5. Thanks Kevin, Sorry missed your post. Also thanks for all the likes. Trudging along slowly. Just got back from a little trip to keep the Admiral happy. I've finished the lids on the port side and heading to the bridle ports.
  6. That looks nice especially for your first attempt. If you have the wood and the desire doing a second one won't hurt. I think I did three on mine.
  7. Hi Tim, I have the MF 70 and agree with Justin P. Great little mill but I don't think spindle sanding would be good. At the time I didn't have a drill press but I did have a Dremel drill press. I built a stand and it worked real well on something as small as the echo. If you do have a drill press then chucking a sanding spindle in it works real well too.
  8. I've been trudging along with the gun ports on the starboard side. They are set in place but the hinges have not been attached yet. I will remove the three port lids that will be open and attach them later. Until I make the stand I'll be knocking them off every other day! On to the port side now.
  9. Very nice job on the planking Derek. Very neat and clean. Sorry no help from me as I think it will look great either way you go.
  10. Thanks Chuck, Yes they were long in the making. It's one of those man I've been working on these for how long and that's all that is done moments. Thanks Glenn. When you get to that point in your build send the brass. Can't guarantee the turnaround time though! Thanks for all the likes too.
  11. A little update here. All the gun port lids have been made and painted. The eye bolts and ring bolts are made and ready to go. The the hinges have been cut from wider brass stock. They have the holes for the eye bolts drilled and filed to shape. The tops now need to be filed and shaped to accept the hinge bolt. That's it for now.
  12. Sorry B.E. After reading the two Glenn's logs I guess I had a brain cramp! Your work was excellent too! 😊
  13. Very nice work and explanation Glenn. B.E. I meant B.E.! LOL 🤪
  14. Glenn I would wander into the shop to get something and moan every time I saw her covered like that. Thanks Ben. Great to be back.
  15. Thanks Chuck. It took me a minute to figure out where I was last at. It was great to see you and everyone else. I can't believe it's been 2 1/2 years! Sure thing Joe. Thanks Bob, Yes I'm itching to have a go at those gun port lids. Thanks for all the likes too.
  16. Hi All! Long time no see. Well life intruded on my modeling for the last few months but most has been squared away and no longer demanding so much of my time. So now the workshop is again open for business. The poor Winnie has been in dry dock all this time, covered and ignored. I've started out small by building the ladders for the two hatches. They are ones in Cherry purchased from Syren. Small progress but it's great to be back at it! Next up I'll be doing the gun port lids and hinges.
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