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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. Glenn, I just got caught up on your work and I echo everyone else's comments. It's more of your usual excellent workmanship.
  2. It was so much fun I'm thinking of getting a second one to display with the Winnie. Thank you all for the kind words and likes. It is a marvelous little project and even if you're not building the Winnie you would enjoy it.
  3. Hi All, Well, I've diverted a bit. I thought I had the 1mm rod needed to do the chain pump crank handles. Come to find out I have .89mm or 1.19mm rod. Either too small or too large. Of course, the local hobby store did not have any in stock either. So, I ordered some online and have to wait for them to arrive. I could have started on chapter 8 but the stove was calling me so I listened. The parts all fit perfectly. Here is the stove all assembled and painted. No weathering powders have applied yet. And here is the finished stove. I first applied a grimy black powder, sprayed it with a matt spray. I then applied some rusty brown powder. It was a little strong for my taste, so I went over it with a light coat of grimy black to tone it down just a bit. It was then sprayed with dull coat. Until the brass rod arrives I'll start on chapter 8.
  4. Thanks Matt. This is the fun stuff now. Thanks Chuck. I really hope I can make it again this year! Also, thanks everyone for stopping by and all the likes!
  5. I spent the weekend completing the main jeer bits and the gallows as well as the chain pumps. They are just set in place for the picture. I have also fit all the beams but removed the last two as adjustments and alignments will follow. The shop LED lights washed out the color but it is the same red ochre as used on the bulwarks. Next it will be aligning the pump crank handles and permanently placing the jeer bits, gallows, chain pumps and columns.
  6. I just caught up on your work and it is outstanding. Your descriptions and photos are a tremendous reference. Thanks!
  7. Yep! When they break a railing stanchion they can just go into the hold and retrieve it. Also thank you everyone for stopping by and all the likes. Much appreciated.
  8. As I was working along I notice an error I had made. I painted some of the beams circled below which were in the outer cabin and I shouldn't have. So I removed the paint so they were unfinished like the captains cabin. I then moved along adding more beams and knees. Also I added the stanchions and railings around the companionway. A word of warning. If you drop one of the stanchions down the companionway you can tip the model over and shake all you want but it isn't going to come out! The lower capstan and pawls have also been added.
  9. Very nice! Ah the headworks, so much fun but I'm sure you will master it very well.
  10. Looking really good. I don't have good luck blackening so I appreciate your advice and will give it a go. Thanks Derek!
  11. With my powders I use a small paint brush and apply like paint. The difference is that the powers don't cover uniformly like paint. There will be sections where it covers more than others. Also I will apply a heavier coat to different parts of the piece to give it the look I want. I hope this make sense.
  12. Thank you Chuck and B.E. It's all due to the quality of the design, instructions and parts that make it possible. Also thanks for all the likes!
  13. I spent the last three days completing the capstan. It was a lot of fun! Now back to the beams and knees!
  14. Thanks Greg. Thrust me it is much more to Chucks design and instructions! Thanks JJ. I have nice models in AYC and Boxwood so I wanted to try something different and I am pleased with the look. Can't wait to see you back at it too! Also thanks for stopping by and all for all the likes!
  15. First off curiosity got the best of me so I printed the template for the bow cap rail. I was afraid to see if my curvature of the bow was correct. To my relief it was very close to the cap rail template. Whew. Those of you building now be sure to check when you fair the bow area. After test fitting the deck beams I moved on to bulkhead wall for the great cabin. It consists of some very nice laser cut panels. They were sanded to fit and glued in place. Two cannon were added as well as the mast coat. Then the forward bulkhead wall was sanded to fit as well as the center panel between the two bulkheads. I will soon have to build the capstan. I've been looking forward to doing this for some time now!
  16. That looks great Chuck. Your ability to design and manufacture such complex parts for us is amazing. Thanks!
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