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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. I've completed the fore and aft crowsfeet and I'm happy with how they came out. It was a lesson in patience and deep breaths but fun in a kinda sick way. Next there 7 more stays that need to be served and put in place.
  2. Nice catch. For whatever reason I did a similar thing before. Much better to find it now than in the middle of planking.
  3. Thank you B.E. and Glenn. Thankfully I could find enough information in others build logs to get me through. Also thanks for all the likes. Much appreciated!
  4. I've served the main and fore stays and mounted them per the plans. After reviewing other logs, (Glenn's DOK and Ron's Sphinx) plans and pictures I made my first attempt at rigging the crowsfeet. There were a few false starts, twisted and knotted line that had to be untangled numerous times, I finally completed the first of three crowsfeet. Thanks for stopping by!
  5. I've started working on the five stays. The all of the stays have a mouse on them. I've seen others make the mouse from a dowel which I copied. I drilled a hole down the center just slightly larger than the line, sanded them to shape, cut them off and painted them. I then served the lines below where the mouse will be. I then made the eye seizing it and sliding the mouse into place. Here you see the fore preventor stay and mouse in place. Here are the fore and main preventor stays and the mizzen stay. Next I'll add the main and fore stays and then three sets of crowsfeet!
  6. Hi Bob. I'm sorry to hear that you're having a tough time with your health. Once you start getting healthier and more parts arrive, I'm sure your enthusiasm will return!
  7. Thanks Glenn. Yes, I've been looking at that and making a mouse for the stays. I found this for the crows feet.
  8. The portside ratlines have all been tied and went much quicker than the starboard ones! Before I hang the yards I'll be working on all of the various stays and the crows feet. Having never done "crows feet" on to a stay should be a fun learning experience.
  9. Hi Glenn, B.E. and the other Glenn . I agree, it just takes me getting to it and staying focused. Hmmm wait a minute that's me about most things!
  10. I've just completed the lower and upper ratlines on the starboard side. They aren't the best but I'm happy with them. Jim H. said that ratlines are therapeutic. By the time I finish tying all the knots for the port side I may need therapy!
  11. Hi Chuck, I've had the pleasure of see your Winnie in person and your design and workmanship is simply stunning. Ok just for grins and giggles I requisitioned (stole) the Admirals kitchen food scale and weighed my Winnie. She currently tips the scales at 5lbs 8ozs. (2.5kg). Might have to put her on a diet.
  12. Hi B.E. I just got caught up with your wonderful work on the Sphinx. It was such a pleasure!
  13. Well, it's been almost two months I've been moving slow and unsteady. It's always tougher to get modeling time in the warmer weather but I'm not going to complain. It goes away too fast as it is. I served the upper shrouds and added them. A couple of miscues and a shroud or two were replaced but finally they are done. Next, I'll be doing the ratlines. Hopefully it will go smoother and a little bit quicker.
  14. Thanks for the kind words, Dave, GrandpaPhil and Mark and also the likes. Very much appreciated!
  15. I agree with both statements. Your patience and perseverance is making for a wonderful model.
  16. Thank you very much Joe and Glenn.
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