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Everything posted by Anja

  1. Let me think ....... I'm a bit confused now I know what concede means (accept as true, valid, or accurate). But it also means to give away or grant something. So Andy, do you post another ship? Or do I post a ship? Take care, Anja
  2. Andy, I think you've had such a good time skiing, you forgot to remove the ship's name. It says in the bottom 'Princess Sophia'. Take care, Anja
  3. Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regret. So, love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who don't. And believe that everything happens for a reason ..... If you get a chance, take it! If it changes your life, let it! Nobody said it would be easy ..... They just promised it would be worth it.

  4. Hello (алло) Garward and a good morning to you, Your masts are looking great. I really like the overall pictures of your Montañes. It won't be long now before you have this log up-to-date. And then you finally can continue the build. Take care, Anja
  5. Morope has good quality riggingropes. Link to Morope's homepage. http://www.home.foni.net/~agondesen/left.htm Link to a model of a Fluit rigged with Morope. http://www.home.foni.net/~agondesen/Fleute If you're having problems accessing the site, you can send an e-mail. For customers in the USA and Canada you can send an e-mail to: curlee11@aol.com For other customers in the world, you can send an e-mail to: Takelgarne@t-online.de Take care, Anja
  6. Hello Mario, That looks bad, no wonder you are P#*$$!&. Just like the rest I hope you fill find your building spirit again and return soon. You will be missed, but just take your time and enjoy bowling (without the cat) And don't worry, we will all still be here when you return. Take care, Anja
  7. Sorry Augie, just me being blond I guess 'Old folks' you say ....... Maybe, but you're still young at heart. Enjoy the flying season and take care, Anja
  8. Hello Theo, The decks look great. Well done. Take care, Anja
  9. Hello Rosmarie, Sorry to hear you were feeling a bit ill. But I'm glad you're feeling better. Take care, Anja
  10. Hello Augie, Looking good Augie. I hope you mean the fly fishing season Because then it doesn't matter if you-know-who doesn't get any pictures, he will just join you. But I warn you ..... he will make pictures. Take care, Anja
  11. Hello Piet, It is good to hear from you again. Thank you both for the good luck wishes and thank you for the compliment on the Half Moon. It is most appreciated. As for my scratch build ....I'm not sure when I will be able to start. The plan is after finishing the Half Moon. I will not order anything before she's finished. And I still have to decide what kind of wood to use. But the idea of starting a scratch build is exciting Thank you for looking in and give my regards ro the Admiral. Take care, Anja
  12. Hello Sherry, Sarah & Alex, How can the second interview go wrong with so much good luck wishes. Thank you and grazie mille, it is most appreciated. Take care, Anja
  13. Hello Augie, No, I shall not rest until it's successfully over. But I have a good feeling about this. Hello Wim, Yes, I'm happy and confident for the second interview. Thank you both for the good word. It is really appreciated. Take care, Anja
  14. Hello Popeye, Your back on track, that must feel good. And thanks for the poetry and wise words mentioned above. Take care, Anja
  15. Great sails Popeye! What kind of material are they made of? Cambric, cotton, silk? Will you leave them in white or give them for example a creamed color? Can't wait for the sails to be hoisted. Take care, Anja
  16. Thank you so much Wayne, And I will certainly enjoy your cake! Take care, Anja
  17. As promised ..... The first interview with my new employer went very positive, and I think it put me in a good position for my second interview. Especially for Grant, Mark, Sherry, Augie, Frank & Buck ........ Thank you so much for your support and good luck wishes. I greatly appreciate your sympathy. Take care, Anja
  18. Hello Pav, It looks like the R.M.S. Taroba. Take care, Anja
  19. Hello Sherry, Nice start, it looks great Take care, Anja
  20. Hello Pav, No, you don't have to include any hints yet. Although some will not agree with me. And now I'm off to do some searching. Take care, Anja
  21. Hello Doris, Just amazing. The stern is absolutly fantastic. It is such a joy to follow your work. I took a look at your Souvereign of the Seas. What a magnificent build. The last picture, where you're holding the ship, says it all ..... One proud lady. I can't say it enough, but thank you again for sharing your beautiful work with us. Take care, Anja
  22. Wayne, thank you for answering Kester's question. No Kester, we don't include the name. That's taking all the fun out of the game. Crackers was just fooling around a bit. We just wait for Pav to find a good one for us to search, without including the name. Take care, Anja
  23. Hello Crackers (a.k.a. Anthony), This one's easy. The picture contains the name of the ship. It's the Russian Battleship Borodino. But I thought it was Pav's turn? Take care, Anja
  24. Hello Gyula, Very impressive indeed, using just a sharp knife. What kind of knife did you use? And today is your birthday. Have a great day. Take care, Anja
  25. Hello Doris, Thank you for sharing your sculpting videos. Take care, Anja
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