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Everything posted by marktiedens

  1. Thanks Mark & Jan I would imagine to update the kits to be more accurate would cost more money than the manufacturers would like to spend.What would be the fun if we didn`t have to fix them?There was mentioned on the Vasa forum a while back about someone wanting to do a 3D scan to possibly design a new kit. /Mark
  2. Thanks for your observation on the galleries. I am aware of the issue with the turret top on the lower gallery & am going to try and fix it . I was thinking about building the upper galleries first & try to make some adjustments on the lowers. The biggest problem I see is if the lower turret is moved out too far there will be too large of a gap between the turret & the side of the ship . I will have to think about that one for a while. Pictures are always welcome to illustrate an issue. By the way Sergal`s fix for this was to actually mold a notch in the casting where it comes up against the upper gallery . regards,Mark
  3. Hello Karl Yes I do like this ship but the the main reason I`m continuing on with it is seeing the poor thing sitting there half started as I walk by it every day . I can tell you the differences between the Corel & Sergal kits are quite large. The biggest differences are the figures - Sergal`s are pretty good & Corel`s are somewhat poorer. Sergal`s are brass or bronze so you can tweak them a little if needed.Corel`s are plated pot metal I think - they can`t be bent or they will just snap in two. Some of them are already broken in the package just from shipping . /Mark
  4. I agree with all the above plus when I tension shrouds I get them as tight as I dare to without pulling things apart - they always seem to loosen some after tying all the ratline knots. /Mark
  5. Hello Ulises If I remember right I think I first filed the metal frames down to the level of the bulkheads - then laid the planking on top of the edges of the metal frames. It seemed easier to me to "fair" the metal frames first. regards,Mark
  6. Thanks Nigel - although I may look like this permanently before I`m done. Michael - I must admit I will be borrowing ideas from other builds. /Mark
  7. Matti - I really like the look & wonkyness of this ship & will change some things as I go along. With this kit being about half the size of the Sergal kit it will be a challenge. Joe - thanks much for your nice comment. I am currently starting on the second planking & intend to show some of the scarph joints in the planking - not all of them - just too many. After looking at the planking lay out on a sketch from Fred at the museum it`s too difficult to make all of them at this scale. /Mark
  8. Thanks Brian. This is only the first layer - I only needed filler in one small spot on the bottom. /Mark
  9. I have decided to continue on with the Corel version of the Vasa which I started about a year and a half ago.I got as far as the first planking done & set it aside while I continued working on the Sergal kit. I have fixed a couple of things so far. I re-sized the upper row of gunports as I cut them too big to start with . Also I the slant to the companionway roofs - the kit had them flat. I also re-did the lower stern to be more square.One more thing I noticed after glueing on the false deck was there were no openings for the knighthead behind the main mast or the ladder behind the fore mast so I had to make them. /Mark
  10. They might mean tanganyika,which is a light colored wood,but messed up the spelling in translation. /Mark
  11. I would think that beech would be way too expensive to put in a kit for hull planking - it would take many strips on a ship this size.Try putting a little polyurethane on a small piece - beech will hardly change color but walnut will noticeably darken. /Mark
  12. Welcome to the Vasa club here on MSW. Looks like you are off to a good start. /Mark
  13. Hello Ulises I looked at my Royal Louis & I`m afraid I can`t tell for sure what it is. I don`t have my plans or instructions any more but I think it is what THEY call walnut.It looks very similar to the "walnut" that Mantua uses. I think I did have enough to do the planking below the whales - it was the lighter colored wood between the whales that I was short on.I think they called it boxwood.Sorry I can`t be of more help.It seems like in European kits the 'walnut" can range from a honey color to a very dark brown or almost gray - sometimes all on the same plank. /Mark
  14. I like the G-S glue also except it seems to be a bit "stringy". Very nice cannons by the way. /Mark
  15. Hello Frank You are correct - it is a message port .It is pictured in the Wasa Dream website - picture #170b. regards,Mark http://www.wasadream.com/Index/indexenglish.html
  16. Your rigging looks very nice - I know how difficult it is to rig those crowfeet. However,I may be wrong but I think those are the ropes to lift the upper yards.You can always ask Fred or Clayton at the Vasa forum mentioned in Ulises previous post - they are very helpful. /Mark
  17. That`s a very busy looking deck you have there - looking good. By the way I went to the Billing Boats USA site to order the Wasa fitting kit.They must have sent the order on to Ages of Sail - they sent me an e-mail saying they couldn`t get it . Oh well. Billing should remove it from there site if you can`t get it . /Mark
  18. Thank you very much Roger! I regret that I can`t restore the lost pictures in my log though. /Mark
  19. Thank you very much Michael. I must say much of the work you have done on yours inspired me numerous times to change & fix things on mine.Keep up the good work! By the way the first planking on my Corel kit is already done - just trying to decide whether to continue on with it or start something else.It might be easier to continue on with it while details & fixes are still fresh in my mind.My main concern is the castings - they are awful compared to Sergal`s - which themselves are not great.Ideally I would like to find the figures from the Billings kit without having to buy the whole kit.From what I have seem on Matti`s model they are pretty good even though they are plastic. I would not even dream of trying to carve them.Oh and I am trying to come up with a better way to do the scalloping on the galleries - they look ok from a distance but I`m not that happy with them.For one thing I found out they should be light yellow - not white. /Mark
  20. Hello Jan Are you going to add the topgallant mast sections? I added them too mine because with the model being almost 4 feet long the masts seemed a little too short.I know a lot of modelers don`t add them due to space limitations or the want to show the ship as it looked on her maiden voyage.With or without them you still have a great looking model. /Mark
  21. Thanks very much Karl & John - your comments are much appreciated. .
  22. Wow - nice setup.Your work area is almost as messy as mine .Looks like the black table is adjustable in height - something I could really use when rigging these tall ships. /Mark
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