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Everything posted by marktiedens

  1. Very nice Matti! I wish I had found this forum before I was so far along on mine - I would have done a lot of things differently. /Mark
  2. Nice work Karl. I am doing the same thing with my rigging as the Sergal rigging plans are pretty much a waste of paper.The Corel plans are much better but there are some differences I am finding by looking at other builds like Clayton`s. Sounds like the Vasa rigging book may not be out for a long time yet & I don`t really want to wait that long.There are enough inaccuracies in my build that a few wrong lines won`t be noticeable anyway. /Mark
  3. Thanks Michael. I have been going back & forth between the Corel rigging plans & pictures of Clayton`s model to try & find the differences.The Corel plans seem fairly close but there are some differences. The fore topmast stay is fastened to the bowsprit with a simple block & pulley instead of crowsfeet for one.I also found that there were no pinrails on the inner bulwarks - the belaying pins go right in the caprails so I tore off all my pinrails that were on the inner bulwarks & put the belaying pins right in the caprails. I actually managed to not damage anything while removing them.There are just a few small holes where they were pinned to the bulwarks but they are not noticeable. /Mark
  4. Looking good. Have you checked the length of the dummy barrels so they don`t stick out too far? Just a thought. /Mark
  5. Well,as usual I made a couple of errors on the rigging already.I had the mizzen topmast stay all wrong & re-did it. Also forgot to add the bowsprit mast stay. The crowfeet rigging is a real pain but I got it done - more to do later on the running rigging.I had some nice rigging hooks left over from another build so I used them on the mast tackles (the ropes & pulleys between the lower deadeyes). /Mark
  6. Looking good Frank.By all means take care of yourself - the ship can wait. /Mark
  7. I have been using this electric plank bender for many years. It was made by Aeropiccola. It is basically a 50 watt soldering iron with a head shaped like a comma & an adjustable clamp so you can make the bend as tight as you need to. /Mark
  8. Thanks Michael.I probably should have used lighter colored rope as Fred at the Vasa museum indicated they were only lightly tarred.I didn`t realize this until I was halfway through.
  9. Another update - standing rigging done(I think).Now to the really fun part - running rigging. /Mark
  10. Great start - as I recall the gunport frames were a real pain.My biggest problem was getting them filed down to the contour of the frames. /Mark
  11. You are welcome Karl.It is somewhat of a challenge - I keep having to re-do lines as I go. /Mark
  12. Karl - I will add the link to the site. http://warshipvasa.freeforums.net/ When you get to the site go to the topic titled "Vasa modelling" & scroll down to a topic titled "1/50 scale scratch built Vasa rig process". My plans are incorrect also so I have been looking at his for some direction.Hope this helps.There are lots of very good Vasa modelers there. /Mark
  13. Hello Karl The picture in the manual appear to be correct to me.There are some good pictures of Clayton`s scratch built Vasa on the Vasa modelling forum which show most of the rigging. /Mark
  14. Another update - been slowly working on the shrouds & stays.Topmast shrouds & mizzen stays done.I know the rigging is a bit dark but I prefer the look of the dark standing rigging.The running rigging will be much lighter. /Mark
  15. I didn`t put those railings on mine - just my preference.After thinking about it - it does seem a little strange that they would have no railings around these areas.One false step & down you go! /Mark
  16. Hello Karl - nice solution.I also had to "make" a little room between mast sections on my masts.I thought I saw a picture somewhere showing the shrouds going around both mast sections but i know that would be wrong. Mark
  17. Nice cannons.I probably should have spent more time on my carriages - I always seem to get in a hurry on some things.
  18. Very neat & clean look to your decks.
  19. I see what you mean.I always seem to have trouble making the coils look neat like yours. Mark
  20. Nice look to the rope coils.I hung mine on the sides of the carriages to keep them off the deck - just my preference.Makes it easier to clean any dust off the deck surfaces. /Mark
  21. A small update - finished the lower shroud ratlines on the starboard side.I like to give them a slight natural looking droop. /Mark
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